(920) 948-0768

Journeys with CrossFit Develop

Click below to meet a few of our members and read their stories.

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Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

If you do nothing where will you be? If you try CrossFit Develop , how will your life change? Come see what we can do for you!

I want to give it a try!

CrossFit is for Everyone!

Don't let the word CrossFit scare you. You are capable of anything!!!!


What is Fitness?

Fitness, most broadly defined, is the ability to handle the demands of your life.

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Week of July 8

Back to the grind after the holiday!  Look’s like a fun week of programming to me!  You won’t want to miss this one… Announcements: Tactical Strength and Conditioning at 8am on Saturday!  You gotta give this one a try guys!  This is an additional class offering.  Not simply a renamed CrossFit class.  The specific style of training will get you ready for whatever life will toss your way.  Classes will be an additional $5 if you would like to attend and will run every Saturday morning at 8am.  You can reserve your spot on Wodify or just stop in the

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Week of 7/1/2019

Thank you for all who came out on Friday to help us celebrate one year in business!  We had a blast.  Our focus as we move forward will be to continue to grow and serve you all better.  Thank you CFD!  Keep being awesome! We will be starting an 8 week strength cycle this week.  This will not be a pure strength cycle as we have done in the past but rather a hybrid cycle.  What does that mean….?  We’re going to drive up your numbers all while keeping the same sweaty CrossFit style workouts you all have grown to

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Week of 6/24/2019

This past Sunday the 23rd of June marked one year in business.  We spent some time over the weekend just thinking about all that has changed in our lives over the past year.  How CFD has grown and the many great people we have forged lasting relationships with over the last year.  Here at CFD we love being able to help people improve their quality of life.  We are very passionate in this endeavor and continually strive to improve.  Yeah we’ve made mistakes along the way but we would not change a thing.  We learn and grow from them.  Just as

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Week of 6/17/2019

Thanks for those who came out for our Women, Wine, and WOD event Friday.  It was a blast for all.  We’ll definitely be doing it again soon. This week is fairly standard besides the start of our summer camp.  There are still spots available if you want to sign up. Have a great week CFD! Announcements: The gear sale will be out by the end of the week, watch for more details. Save the date: Friday, June 28 for CFD's 1 year anniversary party. More details are in the FaceBook event. Hope to see you all there! Here are the

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Week of 6/10/2019

Hey all!  As most of you know I was traveling last week.  I decided to drop-in at a few CrossFit Boxes while out and about and I’d like to share one little piece of my experience with you all.  A smile.  Trust me, it goes a long way.  I’ve been doing CrossFit for almost a decade now.  I am confident in my abilities and my mastery of CrossFit skills, so much that we decided to open a gym to help others.  Yet I’d be lying to you if I said that dropping-in at a new gym does not give me

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Week of 6/3/2019

This looks like a really fun week of programming!  You’ll want to get in here this week!  Also, we have some more new toys to play with… ? Welcome to our new members joining out of on-ramp.  We can’t wait to see you around the gym more.  Please say hi to any new faces everyone.e gear sale is coming if you feel you will have it ready to go. There will be another gear sale coming soon, look for the order form at the gym. It’s almost here!  Don’t forget to sign up for the Summer Camp.  We’d love to have

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Week of 5/27/2019

The Murph went well. Thank you to everyone who was able to come out. It was a great day and we loved spending it with our community. Until next year. Never forget. This weeks programming is fairly standard. Keep enjoying the gainz CFD! The only announcement for this week is to not forget about the Summer Camp: Football and Wrestling Performance Summer Camp – CFD will be offering a summer camp specifically tailored to the needs of Football and Wrestling athletes. The program will run Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays (off July 5th) from 3:30 to 4:45pm, June 17th till August

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Week of 5/20/2019

Another fun week of programming all! We have some new stuff again and will continue to be working on our metabolic conditioning this week. We’ve installed two shoulder pre/re-hab systems. Please reach out to your coaches for instruction on how to use these and keep those shoulders healthy. There are also instructions hung next to them. Here are the announcements for this week: Don’t forget with the upcoming holiday weekend our schedule will be adjusted as follows: Friday 5/24 – Regular classes Saturday 5/25 – Regular 9am class Sunday 5/26 – Gym Closed Monday 5/27 – Memorial Day WOD (see

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Week of 5/13/2019

Done with the strength cycle! I’m mixing up the programming a bit to keep things fresh and exciting. Have fun with it this week CFD and enjoy the deload. Lift the Weight off Kids was a huge success! Thank you to everyone who came out to the event. We can’t wait to do it again next year. Congratulations on all the PR’s! Here are the announcements for this week: Murph – We will be hosting a Memorial Day event on Monday May 27th. Doors will open at 8:15am and we’ll perform the Murph WOD. We will be starting a kids

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Week of 5/6/19

Week 6 of the Strength Cycle.  Here it is!  We finally made it!  This week will be the same as our last 1RM week.  This way you can compare everything directly.  As you go through this week please compare your totals for both lifts and WOD’s.  You should notice that your strength numbers have improved, that is if you have been honest and keeping up with the strength program.  Your WOD times however may not have improved.  In fact they may be roughly the same or even worse.  This is normal.  We have reduced the metabolic conditioning in order to

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