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Week of 2/25/2024

Well that was a fun time! ;) We had a few tough workouts sprinkled in this past week, including Monday's run/bike workout, "The Chief" and Thursday's sleeper WOD (who knew shuttle runs could feel that difficult lol). Great work all!! If you're still feeling some soreness, focus on protein, carbs, water and sleep. If you shortchange yourself on any of those necessities, your recovery process will take longer. The one hour a day we spend in the gym is amazing, but remember how important the remaining 23 hours are, too. Congratulations to our 2024 Weight Loss Challenge winners! Rachel Kriz

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Week of 2/18/2024

This past week, we had the final class of our second annual 6 Week Challenge, and to say we are proud of this group of 12 strong, brave, determined people is only scratching the surface! Week after week, they showed up and continued to dedicate the time to become a healthier, happier, stronger version of themselves. If you see any of these faces in the gym, be sure to say hello and introduce yourselves — you might just make their day and meet a new friend. Remember, we're changing lives at CFD and you all are a part of it!

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Week of 2/11/2024

We're getting excited for the CrossFit Open at the end of this month, are you ready? :) Remember to register for the Open here. We will do the Open workouts at every class time on March 1, 8 and 15. We can't wait to see how all of you have progressed since last year. We've been seeing one CF Open workout per week in prep for the upcoming Open WODs — it's been so fun to compare personal scores from years past and see where you're at today. Once the week of the Open hits, we will format the higher

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Week of 1/28/2024

Fit for Kids is this Saturday, Feb. 3! Please join us! Reserve your spot in Wodify. :) Please consider signing up for the workout by clicking here — we host this workout in support of the Lakeshore Regional Child Advocacy Center, which is a nonprofit organization that offers comprehensive services to investigate cases of child maltreatment. This organization enables children and their families to heal from abuse, and advocates for safe and secure living environments. This year's WOD will be "Cassie" — check out the posters in the gym for more details! This week is deload week! We'll be staying

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Week of 1/21/2024

Congratulations to Mari, Marcus and Coach Courtney, who competed this past weekend at B3 — Beasts, Beers and Barbells, held at Redemption Fitness in Waukesha. Coach Courtney held a podium spot, taking second place in women's Rx! It was amazing to see you three work hard and crush some goals out on the competition floor! Thank you to those of you who were able to either attend in person or cheer them on via Facebook Live. Your support means the world to them, and we're so proud of you three! How is the Weight Loss Challenge going for those of

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Week of 1/14/2024

Well "Death Row" was fun, right guys?? ;) Eek. Nice work getting to the gym and checking off another tough workout this past week. We will re-test again in April to see our improvement on this BEAST of a WOD. Lots of us have been snowed in this past week, working from home, watching our kids, shoveling 8 times a day ... but all of this has been made easier because we are CrossFitters! We're stronger physically and we can tackle hard things mentally. It's been amazing to see you face the rough weather and make it into the gym.

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Week of 1/7/2024

Happy 2024! It's been a great week at CFD — our classes have been filled with members who are ready to start the year off on a positive note. We love to see all of you giving yourselves that time every day — let's keep your momentum moving in the right direction. One good choice leads to another good choice, and before you know it, you'll be stacking days and then weeks of a healthier, more positive lifestyle and mindset. We started our Weight Loss/Nutrition Challenge this week with Coach Kelly — if you have any questions as you focus

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Week of 12/31/2023

Happy New Year! 2024 here we come. What will you set your mind to and accomplish this year? Picture yourself next January 1st — what would you like to be different? Take some time this week to reflect on 2023, and set a goal or two for 2024. Better yet, talk to a coach or a friend about those goals — saying it out loud will help hold you accountable. :) Thank you to all who came to our New Year's WOD on Saturday, it was great to see a full gym with so many smiling, familiar faces! What a

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Week of 12/24/2023

Merry Christmas, CFD! What a wonderful year. If you haven't already, please take a minute and watch our recap video on the CrossFit Develop Facebook and Instagram pages. We are so thankful for each and every one of you! You all make CFD a second home to so many. We can't wait to see what 2024 has in store. ;) Our holiday schedule is posted below. We will see you back in the gym bright and early on Tuesday, Dec. 26! The last couple weeks of December have been all about a fun “just train” mentality going into 2024, providing

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Week of 12/17/2023

What a week, CFD! We're so proud of all the work you've put in during this strength cycle. We saw countless PR's this past week — it's amazing to see so much progress. Hard work pays off! We'll be starting off this week with a classic NCFit benchmark workout, The Cali Bear. This will be my 9th time doing this workout — I always find this one to be an amazing mental challenge, in addition to physical. It's heavy. The first 10 reps will feel good, and doubt may creep into your mind during those middle 15-20 reps. You might

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