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Week of 12/10/2023

It's one rep max week! We hope you all are feeling rested, recovered and strong to retest our push jerk (Monday), back squat (Tuesday) and deadlift (Friday). If you're not quite feeling 100 percent, it's ok! Never push yourself beyond your personal limit. You can't force a one rep max, nor should you! This week may be your week or it may not. Either way, lets all get after some great workouts together! Many of you may have seen our second annual 6 Week Challenge announced on our social media pages. If you know someone who has always been curious

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Week of 12/3/2023

Happy December, CFD! We're into the final month of 2023. Take a moment or two to reflect on 2023: What did you do really well? What's something you could improve on heading into the new year? Maybe it's commitment to a schedule, or commitment to putting those you love first. It could be better nutrition, more sleep, less rest days or more rest days. Maybe it's simply greeting strangers with a smile. We love seeing you thrive inside the gym, but guess what we love even more? Seeing you thrive outside the gym. That way, we know that what we're

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Week of 11/26/2023

It's the one weekend every year where we all have absolutely no idea what day it is. :) I think Monday is approaching, so let's get to it! It was great to see all of you at our annual Thanksgiving Sampler Platter workout — thank you for grinding it out with us! We hope you were able to enjoy the rest of your day with family, friends, good food and lots of laughs. Remember, one day off of your typical eating schedule will not affect your progress! In fact, it might help. Our bodies need rest, recovery (physically and mentally),

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Week of 11/19/2023

Happy Thanksgiving! This week is all about spending time with your family and friends, enjoying some good food and showing gratitude for the day-to-day things we so easily take for granted. Tell someone what they mean to you this week. Ask a friend how they're doing, look them in the eyes and listen. The best part about belonging to CrossFit Develop is the community — we're all so lucky to have each other! This week's schedule will be "normal" except for Thursday and Friday. On Thursday, we'll be having a special Thanksgiving workout at 8 a.m. As always, friends and

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Week of 11/12/2023

A heartfelt thank you to everyone who came to support our veterans in Saturday's community workout, "Chad." It was amazing to see so many of you push yourselves past your limits. Thank you, veterans, for everything you have done and continue to do for our country! Those of you who did "Chad" may be feeling a bit (or a lot) of soreness today and tomorrow. Muscle soreness typically peaks around one to three days after a tough workout. Remember to stretch your calves and quads — banded calf stretches, downward dog, toes on the wall stretch, standing quad stretch, and

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Week of 11/5/2023

Amazing work on your one-rep maxes this past week, CFD! It was great to see so many new PRs. We are proud of the work you all have put in! We'll end our one-rep tests with an Overhead Squat or Front Squat test on Tuesday. The wave loading cycle was a huge success in October, so we are bringing it back for more gains in November! This will be the same wave loading we saw in October, but the movements will change to: Back Squat, Push Jerk and Deadlift. Our community-wide Veteran's Day workout is this Saturday, Nov. 11! We

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Week of 10/29/2023

Happy Halloween, CFD! Be sure to join us on Tuesday for a special Halloween workout, "Witch Way?" We'll also be testing our 1-rep max bench press on Monday, and 1-rep max power clean on Friday. Next week, we'll test our 1-rep max overhead squat/front squat! This is week 5 of our wave-loading cycle and I'm excited to see where everyone is at. We have some great programing coming up — we can't wait to hear that PR bell ring! It's that time of year where the holidays are approaching and it might become easier to waiver from your exercise and

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Week of 10/22/2023

Happy Deload Week! We're in Week 4 of our October strength cycle — our rep scheme this week will be 12-10-8, ending at a moderate weight. Next week, we'll see a 1RM test of the power clean, overhead squat and bench press! Drink your water, keep your nutrition in check and make sure to get your Zzzzz's. Speaking of nutrition, keep an eye on our social media this week for a new series we're beginning called, "What does a coach eat in a day?" Can anyone guess who'll we'll be featuring first? :) If any of you have any ideas,

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Week of 10/15/2023

We're in week 3 of 5 of our wave-loading cycle, with overhead squat and front squat on Monday, and cleans on Tuesday! We continued to talk last week about how to properly wave load and what it does for our strength gains. Coach Colin explained how wave loading is an effective way at peaking strength in a short period of time due to post-activation potentiation — meaning, the force exerted by a muscle is increased due to its previous contraction. Don't forget to carefully plan out your weights before you start our Strength sessions in order to reap the full

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Week of 10/8/20

This past week, we had a community challenge of "No Complaining." How did it go, CFD?? Did you find yourselves thinking twice before you complained about work, kids, stresses or the day-to-day grind? Complaining has a negative effect on productivity, morale, engagement and culture. It can be a hard cycle to break, but you'll feel so much lighter when you focus on positive conversations instead of negative ones! Great work to those who put in a bit of extra effort this week, inside AND outside the gym. Just as a reminder: Mark your calendars for 9 a.m. Saturday, Nov. 11

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