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Week of 7/14/2024

We have a benchmark WOD, "Jackie," coming up this week Wednesday! Jackie is meant to feel light and should be done fast. The intensity should be high. For the loyal blog readers, you get a few tips and tricks taken from WodWell :) ... "To achieve a 'Jackie' time of 10 minutes or less, the row must be at 85% to 90% of your fastest 1K row pace and the thrusters and pull-up reps need to be either unbroken or completed in a few big sets. If you can’t go unbroken yet, try one of these rep schemes:Thrusters: 25/15/10 or

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Week of 7/7/2024

We hope you all had a great 4th of July weekend with your friends and family! Thank you to those who made it to our holiday WOD on Thursday. We love when our members bring in their significant others, friends or neighbors to try out a class and meet our community. We have a few new members completing On Ramp and joining in on our regular classes — be sure to welcome those members with a smile and a hello! I was in Tomahawk this past weekend with my family at my parents' cabin and I dropped into a new

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Week of 6/30/2024

What a great week of workouts, CFD! Fran, our final Mid-Year Challenge workout, a Hero WOD on Saturday ... it was a lot of sweaty pushes. Remember to continue to allow yourself to recover properly, and hydrate during these hot summer months. If you're feeling depleted or worn down, consider adding some electrolytes to your routine, such as an LMNT packet. It may be the extra boost you need! This week's schedule looks a bit different with the Fourth of July holiday. On July 4, we will be having a Holiday WOD at 9 a.m. The gym will be closed

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Week of 6/23/2024

You all crushed the second mid-year challenge workout this past Friday! That was a sweaty push. You'll be happy you practiced your 21-15-9 pull-ups ... because this week, we see the classic "Fran" return! Fran is a quick, painful workout ... that's the good news and the bad news lol. It will be over soon! As always, take good notes in Wodify and track your personal progress. In July, our strength cycle is actually going to start in the second week of the month. This is to account for the Fourth of July holiday week(end), when we traditionally see lots

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Week of 6/16/2024

Happy Father’s Day to all of our CFD dads! Thank you for all you do every day for your families! We know it’s not easy to get up early for a workout or come to the gym every day after work, but we’re proud of you for giving yourself that hour. Your family deserves the best version of you, keep up the great work. How did Cali Bear go for you all on Monday? What a great push. Maybe you went up a few pounds this time around, or maybe you stayed at the same weight but your form and

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Week of 6/9/2024

Summer is here! The kids are officially out of school and the sun is shining. :) Who wants to plan an outside 10K row at an upcoming Open Gym?? It's always fun to bring some of our equipment outside for a change of pace in the summer! Let me (Coach Katie) know if you're interested. :) Great work making it through those Grind workouts this week. The programming hasn't been easy but you all are doing awesome! Every workout, every strength or skill session, and even every warmup is an opportunity to get better. Make sure you're making full use

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Week of 6/2/2024

Old Fashioned Night was a success!! Thank you to all who came out to spend some time with our community and give Coach Zack a hug or two before he and his family move to northern Wisconsin. We will miss you so much Zack, thank you for all you have done for CFD. Weaved into the month of June, we will see a retest of Fran and our Benchmark of the Month: Cali Bear! We will also see Barbara, another Hero workout, and a Father’s Day workout. Our toes to bar volume from last month will shift gears, and we

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Week of 5/26/2024

Thank you to all who joined us on Memorial Day for our annual Hero workout, “Murph.” Whether you did it this weekend, last weekend, at home, at our gym, or at another gym, we are proud of you!! This workout is not an easy one, and we’re so happy you all could do it with friends and family by your sides. Today, we remember and honor those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. Please continue to keep Tony and Chelsie Smidl and their newborn daughter, Willow, in your thoughts and prayers. Willow was born with CDH and is

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Week of 5/19/2024

We saw some definite Murph prep in our programming this past week with high-volume pull-ups and push-ups. Be sure to allow your shoulders and hands to properly recover before getting after it this coming week with some more grind-style workouts. Murph is just one week away! Invite your family and friends to join us — they can sign up for free using this link: https://crossfitdevelop.wodify.com/OnlineSalesPortal/ReviewPurchase.aspx?OnlineMembershipId=98035&ClassId=148649562 The more people we have coming together for this classic Memorial Day workout, the better! It's always a great way to kick off our summer. This week's programming looks like a whole lot of fun!

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Week of 5/12/2024

Great work on finishing up this strength cycle, CFD! We ended our cycle with two 3RM tests this past week — it was great to see so many people push themselves on those third reps! Now that the strength cycle is done, we will go back to general conditioning lifting, which will consist of barbell complexes and strength days, but there will not be a linear progression behind them. We will continue to get stronger by varying our strength movements! Throughout this month, we will see the gymnastics focus shift from Strict HSPU to building confidence/ capacity in toes to

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