(920) 948-0768

Week of 8/31/2020

We are almost there guys!  We're almost to the end of our strength cycle!  Weights are getting heavier and we're starting to see PR's all over the place.  This week is going to be deload week and our lifts are at the front of the week to allow ample time for recovery.  As I always say... please make sure to keep your nutrition and recovery on point so you are ready to hit some big weight next week!  We start off this week with deadlift and back squat right away so make sure to eat a big meal (read healthy)

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Week of 8/24/2020

Weights get HEAVY this week with 2 reps on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday.  Make sure to pay attention to your body and recover well in order to take full advantage of this strength cycle.  We are almost to the end of it.  I must say what used to feel heavy is starting to feel much lighter.  I can't wait to hit some new PR's!!! ? Look for communication regarding the upcoming competition. That's all I have for this week guys!  Take care and see you at the Box!!! Have a great week! Announcements: DEVELOP WITHIN Deadline to register is August 21st. Competition held on September 12th! Here

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Week of 8/17/2020

Competition registration deadline is this FRIDAY!!!  Make sure to sign up today.  As of writing this the divisions are starting to fill up and the competition is on point!  Don't miss this great opportunity!  We'll continue to release the WOD's as the date draws closer.  Join us at Develop Barbell on Thursday at 6:15pm to perfect your cleans!!! And keep doing the Finishers! This weeks programming continues to build as we focus on strength and pump.  All of this is leading up to the day of the competition.  You know we got'cha.  ?  You'll all surprise yourselves.  ? Let's get it

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Week of 8/10/2020

Check out our posts on the CFD Members page to learn all about the movement standards and the awesome prizes for Develop Within.  It will be here before you know it.  Make sure to sign up today!!!  Deadline to register is August 21st!  Don't delay!!! This week we have it all for programming.  It will be another great week and week two of our strength cycle with a 6-4-2 format focusing on squat press and deadlift.  Make sure to come in the days you see those movements listed if you wish to push your raw power numbers up!  As always

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Week of 8/3/2020

IMPORTANT:  Please make sure to read our communication regarding the use of face coverings while working out.  An email was sent to all of our members Friday night.  If there are any questions please reach out. As far as this weeks programming is concerned... we've got "DT" on Friday!!!  What else do I need to say!?  "DT" is one of my favorite Hero WOD's of all time.  This is a great workout!  Make sure to get into the gym and give it your all guys.  You won't want to miss this one! As the hype starts to build for our

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Week of 7/27/2020

Well we are putting the benchmark workouts aside for this week and back to our regularly scheduled programming.  Hope you all learned a little about yourselves and hit some solid numbers.  Please remember to take some time and reflect on your performances.  Set a goal and go after it with all your might!  If you need help with goal setting or reviewing your performance feel free to reach out to a coach.  These two benchmarks this last week were really good for assessing your work capacity so I would recommend a goal centered around that. ? Let's go get it

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Week of 7/20/2020

You all did awesome with the "Diane" and "Fran" benchmarks last week.  Don't worry it's not going to stop there.  This week we have two more!  Earlier in the week we will be bringing back one of our all time favorites"The Cali Bear" and we'll close out the week with "Isabel"!  This is so exciting!!!  Now some of you may be thinking 'I hate snatches' or 'well if there's a day that I'm going to skip it going to be snatch day'.  Do not fall for this trap!  The snatch is a great performance marker.  So no matter what level

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Week of 7/13/2020

Guess What?!?!?!   It is benchmark time!  Diane and Fran will be tested this week!  Make sure you get in the gym and test these awesome workouts!!!  AND... make sure you log your scores and notes - there is no better way to track your progress!!!  Oh!  and don't forget to give it your all in these workouts. ? Here's to another great week!   Announcements: DEVELOP WITHIN SAVE THE DATE!!! NEW DATE for in-house competition! Develop Within will be held on September 12th! There will be more details to follow.  For now just look for the event on FaceBook and set

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Week of 7/6/2020

Hello Everyone! Happy July!  I hope you all had a relaxing, safe, and fun Independence Day weekend.  Happy Birthday America!!!  I can't believe it that this year is already over half over with.  It won't be long now until the nights start getting longer and cooler.  Make sure to get in your beach days now! We have some really good metabolic conditioning this week guys!  Death Row on Wednesday is sure to be life changing. ?  In fact this entire week will be life changing!  Can't wait to see you all at the Box! Let's make it a great week CFD!!!  Let's

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Week of 6/29/2020

Hello all!  Happy Monday!  It's gonna be a great week,  I can feel it!!! The survey is now closed.  We'll be compiling the data and sharing results with you all soon.  Thank you to those who completed it. Likewise, thank you to all who swung by the gym on Friday night to help us celebrate our second year in business.  As time goes on we just keep getting better.  Our plan is to finish this year strong no matter what the rest of 2020 has in store for us.  We can't wait to see how much we can grow by

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