Week of 11/1/2020

Down below I’ve copied in an article that I ran across written by MDV.  He is the Chief Fitness Officer for NC Fit and in my opinion an all-around cool guy.  In his words he is “All about coaching, hustle, black coffee, and American Traditional tattoos.”  This article talks to something I have discussed with several of our members on more than one occasion.  We should be training more and competing less… 

“Sometimes I think to myself…how did we get HERE? Not in the greater existential sense of “how did we get here” but more so how did the collective “we” in the functional fitness space get HERE. How did we get to the point where bloody, ripped hands are glorified? How did we get to the point where people are working out so hard or so much that they experience abnormal pain or even force injury? How did we get to the point where unbridled and unfettered intensity takes up more mindshare than sound mechanics. Is this even real life?

Intensity is sexy. No doubt about it…going hard AF in a workout is the ‘cool’ thing to do. There’s a certain bravado associated with walking around as a puddle of your former self, your hands looking like they just went through a cheese grater, and knowing the next few days you are going to be the mayor of “struggle city”.

But is that the standard we should be striving for? I don’t think so.

At some point over the past 15 years or so, we all got caught up — someone sold us some snake oil to cure our ills. We got caught up in watching superhuman fitness athletes compete on ESPN. We got caught up in knowing that your bloody hands will get the most likes on the ‘Gram. And we got caught up in thinking that we need to “die” for reps, rounds, pounds or a few seconds in a workout. This is misguided at best, and at worst, it’s dangerous. What we need to be doing is training to train another day. We need to be playing the long game. Functional training should be facilitating your life…not creating these insane roadblocks where you can’t train, can’t move, or can’t function.

Our training can not and should not derail life. Say that out loud a few times. I mean…it’s so imminently reasonable that it’s almost laughable. How can you argue that? How can you say that…no, I want to train so hard that I am completely useless for my life. Or, I want to push through the discomfort I feel on my hands to the point where I won’t be able to hold anything for days without bleeding. This is craziness!

And I can’t sit on my high horse and say I’ve never done any of this — I used to be the first one to slam the gas pedal and ghost ride myself off the deep end. But over the years, I’ve smartened up. I hated feeling useless outside the gym. I didn’t want to be so sore that I couldn’t play sports or enjoy other non-gym activities. I didn’t want to be so injured that I couldn’t enjoy time with my friends and family without wincing in pain every time I stood up.

Pushing into that state…a state that is beyond working extremely hard and into “no man’s land” is not necessary. It makes no sense to go so hard that your life outside the gym suffers. Not only does it not make sense…you’re probably doing more damage than good.

Training to the point of injury or incapacity means you’re sidelined. If you’re sidelined, you can’t train.

If you can’t train, you’re out of the game. Let me make this abundantly clear — that last rep before your hands rip / your shoulder fails / your body gives up / etc needs to be your last rep. Stop that particular movement, make an adjustment, and train to train another day.

Training to train another day doesn’t mean that we aren’t getting after it. It’s more of a rallying cry to train smart. Don’t take this as my permission to not work hard…that’s not what I’m saying here. I am saying that intensity to the point of incapacity or injury is wrong. This might come as a shock to many- but you can still workout hard while keeping mechanically sound performance at the top of mind. You can also workout hard by using the appropriate loads, speeds, and volumes for YOU. It doesn’t matter what Suzy Firebreather is doing next to you — all that matters is your performance relative to your goals, your fitness level, and your own threshold for the effort.

The final thought I’ll leave you with might be the most compelling of them all…are those few extra reps, rounds, seconds, or pounds actually doing anything for your fitness anyway? Let’s imagine you’re in the middle of a workout and you’re pushing hard but keeping things in check…you feel good, you’re moving well, and you know you’re working hard. That seems pretty legit, right? Now, in the last few minutes you decide to go for broke, complete reckless abandon. Your mechanics go out the window, and your body is sending you the “whoa, we need to chill” signals. Let’s even say…you don’t get hurt or nothing rips. The workout ends, and you walk away. But all you got out of that risk was a few extra reps. Was it worth it? Could you have pushed yourself in a more reasonable way without potentially sacrificing your body? Are 10 extra reps with terrible mechanics better than 5 extra reps with nearly optimal mechanics? What really matters here, people? How did we get here?

Our fitness can and should be challenging. We should push ourselves in the gym to create adaptation that helps us do more not only within those four walls but outside the gym as well. But our fitness also can and should be SMART. Challenging yourself and doing so intelligently are not mutually exclusive. WE CAN HAVE BOTH.

So, next time you feel your hands getting close to that point of ripping instead of holding on…maybe it’s better to come off the bar, take a breather, ask the coach for a substitute movement, and train to train another day.”

On that note let’s get to training for life CFD!!!  Have a great week!


Starting this week!

Develop Barbell classes are moving to Monday nights at 6:15pm.CrossFit Kids classes are moving to Thursday nights at 6:15pm.Give us your feedback guys!  Does this work better for your schedules?  Thanks!


Pardon our dust.  There are some small construction projects going on around the gym.  We do not see a need to change our class schedule at all but as things change there may be a few messes.  We’ll do our best to keep it to a minimum but want to give you all a heads up.   Thanks for the understanding.

Here are the lifts of the week:

  • Monday – C&J
  • Tuesday – Open 20.2 Re-Test
  • Wednesday – Snatches and Bench!
  • Thursday – “Death Row”…
  • Friday – METCON
  • Saturday – Partner Workout w/ Deadlifts!!!
  • Sunday – Open Gym