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Week of 05/14/2023

Tough Mudder... where do I start...  what an incredible day!  We were able to see a lot of people do things that they did not know were even possible!  It was incredible to say the least.  The amount of teamwork, the commandry, and the memories made for a life-time.  How awesome!  I hope everyone involved had an incredible day.  We for sure did.  Thank you to all who participated and we hope to be able to do another similar event soon. Our focus now turns to Memorial Day.  The training has already started.  Our upcoming schedule is shown below.  Please

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Week of 05/07/2023

Straight forward week this week.  Good luck to our Tough Mudder team on Saturday! Let's go get it CFD!!! Wendler Cycle (5/1-6/11) Week 2 (5/8-5/14) 1x5 @65% - 1x5 @75% - 1x5+ @85%  Week 3 (5/15-5/21) 1x3 @70% - 1x3 @80% - 1x3+ @90% Week 4 (5/22-5/28) 1x5 @75% - 1x3 @85% - 1x1+ @95% Week 5 (5/29-6/4) Deload Week  Week 6 (6/5-6/11) 1 Rep Retest Deadlift/ Back Squat/ Push Press Announcements: Tough Mudder Good luck to everyone running the Tough Mudder this weekend on Saturday morning.  Due to the amount of coaches running in the event we have adjusted

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Week of 04/30/2023

Hey CFD!  Last month we kicked off our training with a fresh look post-2023 CF Open! Whether or not you used CF Open as a benchmark to measure your performance, in many ways, this was the beginning of a new training cycle.We completed five weeks of tempo work to give our bodies some time to recover from the intensity of the first three months of the year. On top of the tempo work, we started our 9-week strict gymnastics cycle to either build capacity or possibly get our first few strict reps with the Pull-Up/ Push-Up/ Handstand Push-Up/ Muscle-Up!Our aerobic

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Week of 04/23/2023

Another solid week of training.  Enjoy! Let's go get it CFD! Announcements: Four-tified Due to low attendance, we are canceling Four-tified for this year.  We hope to bring the even back in the future. Tough Mudder Everything is all set for Tough Mudder.  We have 29 individuals on our team!  If you have not completed the registration, please do so.  I sent out individual emails.  Just follow the link and reach out with any questions. Here are the lifts of the week: Monday – Power Clean Tuesday – BSQT Wednesday – METCON Thursday – Deadlift Friday – Shoulder Press Saturday – "Cindy" Sunday –

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Week of 04/16/2023

Training week.  Enjoy! Please remember to sign up for Four-tified and Tough Mudder.  We're only two short weeks away from two back-to-back awesome weekends! Let's go get it CFD! Announcements: Four-tified This year's event will be held on May 6th.  Make sure to block off your calendar.  You're sure to not want to miss this event! Registration is open!!!  Pull together your team and get signed up now! Here's the registration link:  four-tified2023.wodifyarena.com Tough Mudder Everything is all set for Tough Mudder.  We have 29 individuals on our team!  If you have not completed the registration, please do so.  I sent

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Week of 04/09/2023

I hope everyone had a great Easter weekend.  Nothing flashy here... just a solid week of work. Please remember to sign up for Four-tified and Tough Mudder.  We're only three short weeks away from two back-to-back awesome weekends! Have fun this week CFD! Announcements: Four-tified This year's event will be held on May 6th.  Make sure to block off your calendar.  You're sure to not want to miss this event! Registration is open!!!  Pull together your team and get signed up now! Here's the registration link:  four-tified2023.wodifyarena.com Tough Mudder We will run the Tough Mudder as a CFD team on May

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Week of 04/02/2023

First of all, I want to send out a GIANT THANK YOU to all of our amazing Coaches at CFD.  Kelly and I were able to take off a whole week for Spring Break and it was just what we needed to relax and reset.  Thank you all! Friendly reminder for everyone to... 1 - This is a holiday week (see schedule below), the gym will be closed all day on Sunday 4/9. 2 - Pull your team together for Four-tified.  Get signed up now!  You won't want to miss out on this one! 3 - Get signed up for

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Week of 03/26/2023

As we put March in the rear-view mirror and start to turn our focus towards April, let's take a look at where we were and where we're headed. During the month of March, we tackled weekly Pull-Up work, finished out the CF Open with a bang, and got to dive into Leading Ladies week!Leading Ladies week brought 3 new NCFIT-specific workouts, 2 remixed workouts of old classics, and 2 tried and true classic female workouts all in one week!Overall, March was a sort of “prep month” to transition us into our next macro-cycle: Build.The next 3 months are going to

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Week of 03/19/2023

Leading ladies week this week!  We tip our hats to all the wonderful strong women that we know.  Ladies, thank you for all your do.  Here's to you! Have fun with all the "girl" workouts this week all! Announcements: Four-tified This years event will be held on May 6th.  Make sure to block off your calendar.  You're sure to not want to miss this event! Registration is open!!!  Pull together your team and get signed up now! Tough Mudder We will run the Tough Mudder as a CFD team on May 13th.  If you want to be on a team,

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Week of 03/12/2023

First of all, thank you to everyone who came out to celebrate the end of the open with us on Friday night.  We had a blast and hope you felt the same.  Congratulations to team 3 Jerks and a Few Snatches on taking first place!  You all did awesome this year.  Also, congradualtions to team 10 Pack on taking second and team PR's and Pop-tarts on taking third place.  We hope everyone had fun and made memories of a life time! Other than wrapping up The Open, it's a fairly straight forward week this week.  So, let's have fun and

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