(920) 948-0768

Journeys with CrossFit Develop

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If you do nothing where will you be? If you try CrossFit Develop , how will your life change? Come see what we can do for you!

I want to give it a try!

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Don't let the word CrossFit scare you. You are capable of anything!!!!


What is Fitness?

Fitness, most broadly defined, is the ability to handle the demands of your life.

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Week of 9/23

THE OPEN IS COMING!  THE OPEN IS COMING!!! In case you have not heard the CrossFit Open will be here the week of October 7th.  That’s right… we are only two weeks away!  We are working hard to make this event fun and exciting for all.  So keep your eye out for more information to come and get into the gym as much as you can over the next two weeks.  You won’t want to miss participating in this years events.  Come on CFD!  Let’s make this an Open to remember! https://open.crossfit.com/ Announcements: September OSO ChallengeDo you hate the spring

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Week of 9/16

Hello CFD. Short blog post this week. Announcements: Don't forget we added a 9am class on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Effective starting this week there will no longer be a 6:15pm class on Friday's. Open gym for Sunday, the 22nd, is canceled. Lifts for the week Monday - WODTuesday - Chest to bar or Muscle Up practiceWednesday - Front Squat then Partner WODThursday - WODFriday - DTSaturday - WODSunday - GYM CLOSED

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Week of 9/9/2019

Here is the Blog post for those of you who “need” to know the lifts of the week. ? Hey guys WZA is done and it was a blast.  I for one really like the last workout.  Keep in mind this will be the same format we use for the CF Open coming up in October. We would like you all to start using the score logging function in the Wodify app.  There is no better way to track your progress.  If you don’t want your score to be public you can even hide it from other athletes.  Also, we recommend

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Week of 9/2/19

This is the last week of WZA and the first week where we are starting to turn our focus towards the CrossFit Open in October.  Make sure to make it to the gym this Friday and smash this last WZA workout.  These workout have been great at learning what we need to focus on in the few upcoming weeks before the Open.  This Open will be a ton of fun and will be here before we know it.  Let’s make sure to be ready CFD! Announcements: Power Yoga at CFD on September 14 @ 10:00! September OSO ChallengeDo you hate

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Week of 8/26/2019

I know we say this a lot, but the programming this week is HOT!!! So many awesome workouts and opportunities to work on our weaknesses to make us better, better athletes, better humans! Who did WZA workout on Friday?? Wow, that was a great workout, challenging but great! I looked at the workout and set a goal for myself, my goal was to get through the 20 Devils Presses... I made it through 15 of them. This is how we should approach every workout, even the recovery workouts we have this week. We should set a goal for ourselves and

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Week of 8/19

Hello CFD! This is week 8 and the final week of the squat cycle so we will be deloading this week. Congratulations on all of the PR's last week! For the next 3 weeks we will be performing 1 Wodapollza (WZA) workout a week. What is Wodapollza? It is an online qualifier, kind of like the CrossFit Open. Wodapollza announces a few workouts a week on Wednesday night and we will be doing one of them on Friday at class. What does this mean for you? Nothing... you will continue to come to classes and be awesome! Announcements: Stay tuned

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Week of 8/12

Please make sure to keep your recovery on point this week.  Make sure you are eating well, sleeping well, and staying up with mobility work.  Let’s get it this week CFD!!! Announcements: None this week. Here are the lifts of the week: Monday – BSQT Tuesday – Muscle Ups! Wednesday – Deadlift, Clean, and Jerk Thursday – WOD Friday – Snatch Saturday – WOD Sunday – Open Gym

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Week of August 5

The CrossFit Games has come and gone and we have found the fittest on earth for another year.  This past weekend was an exciting time for those who get caught up in the competitive side of CrossFit.  For the rest of us mere mortals it’s simply neat to see what the human body is capable of.  As we begin to prepare for the coming CrossFit Open in October use this as inspiration.  You never know what you can achieve until you try!  Have fun this week CFD!!! Announcements:None this week. Here are the lifts of the week:Monday – Partner WODTuesday

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Week of 7/29/19

Welcome Ally and Marco to the Coaching Staff at CFD!!!  We are more than happy to have you both on board.  You are going to do great things for our community! This is the last week for our kids Summer Camp at CFD.  As I take a little time to think back and reflect over all that the kids have learned and how they have grown over the summer I cannot help but draw lines between those kids and our adults.  It very interesting to me to have watched this process in these kids over the summer.  Here’s how it

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Week of 7/22/2019

First of all thank you to everyone who came out to give the Tactical Strength and Conditioning class a try this past Saturday.  We hope you enjoyed it.  Remember this class runs every Saturday morning at 8am.  Members and non-members alike are welcome to attend, there is no on-ramp requirement.  Just show up and move. By now I’m sure you have seen some new faces around CFD.  Please take the time to introduce yourself when someone new is in class.  This includes introducing yourself to your coach as well.  Reach out and make some new connections.  You never know who

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