(920) 948-0768

Journeys with CrossFit Develop

Click below to meet a few of our members and read their stories.

Show me how CFD has changed peoples' lives!

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

If you do nothing where will you be? If you try CrossFit Develop , how will your life change? Come see what we can do for you!

I want to give it a try!

CrossFit is for Everyone!

Don't let the word CrossFit scare you. You are capable of anything!!!!


What is Fitness?

Fitness, most broadly defined, is the ability to handle the demands of your life.

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Week of 11/25/2019

Take some time this week and think about all of your blessings. What are you thankful for? Faith, Family, Health... This time of year we remember all the wonderful blessings we have. Don't take them for granted. This weeks programming look like a lot of fun guys! We'll be starting the working portion of our strength cycle using the numbers that you established last week.  Stay safe out there as the holiday season is upon us and let's keep making those gainz! Thursday is the last day to sign up for the Holiday Lifestyle Challenge. So get to the gym

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Week of 11/18/2019

We have an exciting week of training this week guys!  We are going to be starting a strength cycle this week so we are testing our push press and front squat.  Please try to make it in these days and record your weights so we all have good number to use for this upcoming cycle. It's that time of year again... Thanksgiving week holiday schedule is shown below. Have a great week! Announcements: Thanksgiving Holiday Schedule: Monday 11/25 thru Wednesday 11/27 is regular class schedule. Thanksgiving Day 11/28 9am holiday WOD.  Friends and family are free and we will hang

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Week of 11/11/2019

THE OPEN IS OVER!!! Ok guys.  The open is finally over and it's time to get back to work.  To get back to training as regularly programmed. I'm going to say it one more time... what is the Open?  It's a test.  It's a snapshot of your current fitness level in time.  So take the time.  Really look at what you've learned during this Open.  What are your strengths?  What are your weaknesses?  Sit down and write up goals!  Find areas to work on then go after them with intention and purpose. Just so we are all on the same

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Week of November 4

Last week of the Open!  Let's all make sure to take great care of ourselves this week and finish this open strong.  We will be having a great big party with food, music, and drinks to mark the end of the Open.  Make sure to swing by the Box this Friday.  Even if you're not working out please plan to attend, cheer on your fellow athletes, and enjoy a great night with your fellow members of CFD.  We have the best community here at CFD!!!  Feel free to bring friends and family as well.  Please bring a dish to pass.

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Week of 10/28/2019

Week 3 of the Open.  By now I'm sure most of you understand why we coaches say to squeeze oranges in your armpits! ? We have two more workouts to go and a lot of movements still up for grabs.  What is you're predictions for this next week guys?  One things for sure.  It'll be a great test of fitness! Don’t forget to join us for the main events as listed below.  Sunday Funday was good time by all.  Even if you are not doing the workout feel free to stop in with family and friends to cheer on your

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Week of 10/21/19

Week 2 of the Open is in the books.  What will the workout be for this week…?  Not sure but I know that it will be a real test of fitness!  The Open workouts always are!  Don’t forget to join us for the main events as listed below.  Even if you are not doing the workout feel free to stop in with family and friends to cheer on your fellow athletes.  This is what the Open season is all about!  Plus the team race is neck and neck where a little bit of encouragement can go a long way! We’ll

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Week of 10/14/2019

Well the 2020 CrossFit Open is off to a great start.  I’m glad to have the first workout behind us!  Shown below is the schedule for the Open in the coming weeks.  The dates labeled ‘Main Event’ is what you are going to want to join if your schedule will allow.  Other dates listed are when you can perform the workouts.  If there are questions please reach out. Don’t forget to enter your scores so we can get team rankings and see how you are doing on the leaderboard. Announcements: Open Schedule: 20.2 -- October 18th – Friday Night Lights - Main Event,

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Week of 10/7/19

This is it! The start of the CrossFit Open 2020! Who's excited? Power Yoga at CFD on Saturday 10/12 @ 10:00AM!!!Few reminders from last week: Re-Sign your contract You should know by now that we pride ourselves on our transparency and clear communication.  In an effort to keep it going we would like you (we're asking everyone, not singling anyone out) to re-sign your contract with CFD.  We want to make sure everyone knows our policies and we are on the same page.  These policies are posted on the front desk at the gym and available to review at any

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Week of 9/30

MILE CHALLENGE WE DID IT! We made it through 30 days of 1 mile everyday! Congratulations to all who signed up and were disciplined to finish this!! You made a commitment to yourself and you did not let anything get in your way! Some days were easier than others and you pushed through and finished! You should be very proud of yourself! Now use this disciple in your lives everyday! OSO COLLARS There is one day left for the opportunity to get a pair of OSO collars!!! Right now we have 3 people who are very close! Re-Sign your contract

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Week of 9/23

THE OPEN IS COMING!  THE OPEN IS COMING!!! In case you have not heard the CrossFit Open will be here the week of October 7th.  That’s right… we are only two weeks away!  We are working hard to make this event fun and exciting for all.  So keep your eye out for more information to come and get into the gym as much as you can over the next two weeks.  You won’t want to miss participating in this years events.  Come on CFD!  Let’s make this an Open to remember! https://open.crossfit.com/ Announcements: September OSO ChallengeDo you hate the spring

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