(920) 948-0768

Journeys with CrossFit Develop

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If you do nothing where will you be? If you try CrossFit Develop , how will your life change? Come see what we can do for you!

I want to give it a try!

CrossFit is for Everyone!

Don't let the word CrossFit scare you. You are capable of anything!!!!


What is Fitness?

Fitness, most broadly defined, is the ability to handle the demands of your life.

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Week of 2/3/2020

Looks like a fun week to get our metabolic conditioning in guys!  Have fun with it all! We will be running a double-under challenge for the month of February.  Not signed up yet?  Don't worry.  You have until the 8th to sign up.  Work on your dubs every day for the month of February for some awesome bragging rights and even better awesome doubles at the end of the month!  We will be tracking participation using Wodify this time.  Ask a Coach for details on how to get signed up!  There are not actual prizes but bragging rights is more

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Week of 1/27/2020

Yet another HOT week of programming guys!  WHAT!!!  We're so lucky! ?  The week starts out with some heavy barbells then transitions into some skill and metabolic conditioning work.  I can't wait! We will be running a double-under challenge for the month of February.  Work on your dubs every day for the month of February for some awesome bragging rights and even better awesome doubles at the end of the month!  We will be tracking participation using Wodify this time.  Ask a Coach for details on how to get signed up!  This challenge is going to make everyone better!  Hey, there's still

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Week of 1/20/2020

For those of you saying "we don't do enough barbell work lately".  THIS IS YOUR WEEK!!!  I expect to see you turn up every single day!  This week's programming looks like a ton of fun guys!  I personally can't wait!  We will be testing and base-lining this week so we have great numbers to compare to later in the year.  Make sure to track all that progress people! Have a great week and we'll see you at the Box! Announcements: There was an important change email sent out to all members on Saturday 1/18.  Please take the time to read

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Week of 1/13/2020

We've got a lot of really good metabolic conditioning this week guys!  You won't want to miss this week's workouts!  Also Diane to end the week!  I can't wait!!!  Love that workout. Hope you all have a great week! Announcements: None this week. Here are the lifts of the week: Monday – TABATATuesday – WODWednesday – SnatchThursday – MU's n WODFriday – DianeSaturday – WODSunday – Open Gym

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Week of 1/6/2020

Here it is the first full working week of the new year for most all of us.  Set your goals and let's start this year strong.  If you need any help with goal setting please reach out to one of the coaches.  We'd be more than happy to help! This year we will be training through phases -- we have six (6) in total for 2020. New Year Reboot, Conditioning & Skills (Jan-Feb), Barbell & Odd Object Cycling (Mar-April), Olympic Skill & Lifting (May-June), Powerlifting & Pump (July-Aug), The Open, Conditioning & Skills (Sept-Oct), and finally Post-Open, Wendler & End of

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Week of 12/30/2019

Some fun stuff this week all with 1RM Snatch on Monday, Holiday WOD at 9am on Tuesday, and 1RM C&J on Friday!  We're going to roll into 2020 with a BANG!  It won't know what hit it! See you at the Box all!!! Announcements: Holiday schedule: 12/31 - 9am Holiday WOD, Free Friends and Family, New Years Social afterwards - Bring an appetizer or drink to share!1/1 - Gym Closed All Day1/2 - Regular Class Schedule Resumes (Welcome to 2020!!!) Here are the lifts of the week: Monday – Snatch 1RMTuesday – New Years Eve WOD @9amWednesday – Gym ClosedThursday –

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Week of 12/23/2019

Merry Christmas to all of our CrossFit Develop Family! Hope you have a great holiday and enjoy your time with family and friends. Remember the true reason for the season. Stay safe out there and hopefully we can see you at one of the Holiday workouts over the next two weeks. Holiday schedule: 12/23 - Regular Class Schedule12/24 - 9am Holiday WOD, Free Friends and Family, Christmas Social afterwards - Bring a drink or appetizer to share12/25 - Gym Closed All Day12/26 - Gym Closed All Day (There is a rumor of some coaches showing up to do some heavy

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Week of 12/16/2019

This is it!  Time to put the Wendler Strength Cycle to the test!  We'll be testing our 1RM for both the push press and the front squat this week.  As always make sure your recovery is on point this week as it's a hard week of training before the holidays officially start.  Oh, and you won't want to miss California Love on Friday as we get to toss some heavy weight around.  This weeks programming looks like so much fun!  I can't wait!!! ? See you at the Box all!!! Announcements: CFD has adopted two families from Big Brothers and Big

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Week of December 10

Hey all!  As we round out this year and hustle and bustle from work to, Christmas party to, kid activities, or whatever else you have going on please make sure to take a little time for yourself.  You've all made great progress this year and by now know that winning most commonly comes in the form of small victories over time.  So keep up with all the great progress you've made and let's finish out 2019 strong! We will be progressing to 5-3-1 with our strength cycle this week as we round it out.  Lets get after it people! Have

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Week of December 2, 2019

Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving.  That holiday WOD was enough... ? This week is training as usual.  We are still in our strength cycle and progressing through 3-3-3 this week.  Make sure to keep your diets under control this holiday season so we can have maximum gainz from the strength cycle.  Take care CFD and we'll see you at the Box! Have a great week! Announcements: None Here are the lifts of the week:Monday – "Rannie"Tuesday – Snatch n MU'sWednesday – Push PressThursday – DeadliftFriday – Front SQT n "Point Break"Saturday – TSC or WODSunday – Open Gym

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