(920) 948-0768

Journeys with CrossFit Develop

Click below to meet a few of our members and read their stories.

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If you do nothing where will you be? If you try CrossFit Develop , how will your life change? Come see what we can do for you!

I want to give it a try!

CrossFit is for Everyone!

Don't let the word CrossFit scare you. You are capable of anything!!!!


What is Fitness?

Fitness, most broadly defined, is the ability to handle the demands of your life.

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Week of 10/20/2024

What an amazing week, CFD! Thank you so much for welcoming all of our friends and family during our very first Bring a Friend Week! It was incredible to see people try CrossFit for the first time. This week might have been their first steps into our doors, but hopefully it won't be their last — thank you for being a part of their journeys! We've been doing Mayhem for about 6 weeks now — let us know your thoughts on how the programming is going. Please let a coach know what you think about the switch. We're here to

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Week of 10/13/2024

Hello, CFD! :) Let's get right into some details about our upcoming programming. This week, we're beginning a new gymnastics cycle with a focus on bar muscle ups! All skill levels will be accommodated. The first and last weeks are testing weeks, with 6 weeks of work in between. On Thursday, you'll see a baseline test of a 2:00 AMRAP for max reps of either bar muscle ups, kipping chest to bar pull-ups, kipping pull-ups or ring rows. We'll do the same test again at 8 weeks. In between, we'll get to work! Athletes should choose the most difficult level

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Week of 10/6/2024

October is here, and it's time to put in some work! On Monday, we'll be doing an "Open Type" AMRAP workout, where the challenge is to maintain a continuous effort throughout rounds and reps. Tuesday will feature another cardio-focused workout aimed at pushing the pace, recovering, and maintaining intensity. Wednesday will be the highlight of the week with two intense 3-round workouts. The first workout will involve light bar/high box jumps, while the second will include low box jumps and moderate to heavy barbell. Thursday's workout will consist of a tough 5-set gymnastic challenge, pushing athletes to deliver consistent performances.

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Week of 9/29/2024

What a beautiful week, CFD! Great work pushing yourselves through some physical and mental grinds. Please continue to let the coaches know what you think of our new programming. We are here for you! This past week, we announced Bring a Friend Week. During the week of October 14-19, our members can bring a friend (or several friends!) to try out our classes for a week. It’s free! Maybe it’s a family member, a spouse, a neighbor, a friend, or an acquaintance who has shown curiosity about CrossFit. It could be someone you think would love our community or our

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Week of 9/22/2024

We have a great week of programming ahead, CFD! This week, we will be doing the workouts the athletes did at this past summer's CrossFit Games. Of course, we'll have options and modifications for all! On Monday, there will be a challenging chipper workout that will test your endurance and strategic planning. Tuesday's workout, "Firestorm," will require you to maintain high intensity throughout 3 quick rounds. Wednesday's workout consists of a 5-round triplet with various exercises to challenge your pacing and endurance. On Thursday, there's a tough shoulder workout called Push-Pull 2.0. Friday will start with a mile run followed

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Week of 9/15/2024

Happy Sunday, CFD! What a beautiful weekend. We hope you have been out enjoying the sunshine with your family and friends! We're heading into one-rep testing this week on the deadlift and back squat. Deadlift will be on Monday and back squat will be on Wednesday. Last week was deload week — please do not feel pressured to jump into a one-rep max if your body isn't feeling it. This can be approached as a heavy single instead of a one-rep max. The difference between a heavy single and a one-rep max is that a heavy single is a successful

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Week of 9/8/2024

How did the first week of our new programming go, CFD? Please talk to us and let us know your thoughts. :) We are here for you! As with any change, there will be an adjustment period, but we truly feel this will be a great shift for CFD moving forward! I wanted to touch quickly on the programming you'll see in Wodify on Sundays. There will be two workout options that you can view and choose to complete at Open Gym. I think this is perfect for those who might want to get a Sunday morning workout in, but

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Week of 9/1/2024

It’s September, CFD! We’re entering a brand new month with lots of exciting changes ahead. The kids are back in school, another fun summer is behind us (I’m personally ready to put this summer in the rear view mirror lol), and we’re all getting back to our routines and schedules. We fully understand how hard it can be to stay in a workout routine as you’re holding onto the last few weeks of summer break with your kids — family comes first. Fall always feels like a fresh start, so let’s get to it. :) The biggest and most important

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Week of 7/28/2024

It's the last week of July! We have two Hero WODs this week, "DT" on Monday and "Loredo" on Saturday. I know we've done DT several times through the years — looking at Wodify, I have 6 scores recorded. Take a look at your past notes and go into this workout with a plan. A time of less than 10 minutes is where top performers will be. Are your past times under 9 minutes? Maybe it's time to go just a bit heavier? This workout is all about cycling the barbell quickly and smart, fast transitions. We'll chat more about

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Week of 7/21/2024

Thank you to all who came our to our CFD Lake Day this past Saturday! It was such a fun time! A special thank you to Missy, Ken and Marcus for coordinating this amazing day. It was great to see our members' families come together, have the kids play with each other, meet some of your spouses and enjoy a beautiful Wisconsin summer day. You all are the best!! We're entering Week 3 of 6 of our Olympic lifting cycle. We as coaches know and understand these lifts are technical and not easy. Please remember to give yourselves lots of

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