Back to regularly scheduled programming this week, CFD! (We’ll chat about the end of the Open in next week’s blog post.) 🙂 We have Fran and Death by Burpee coming up this week, I hope you’re ready to push!
A big thank you to those who donated money to the Kilbourn family. We truly appreciate our CFD family supporting others when they need us most. Our thoughts and prayers continue to be with Heidi, Kent and Roxie during this incredibly difficult time.
As the Open comes to a close for yet another year, start thinking about a goal you want to accomplish in 2024. Write it down, tell a friend, let’s make it happen. It could be a mental goal or a physical one. It could be a movement you want to master or a struggle you want to put behind you. Whatever it is, we’re here to support you!
Make it a great week, CFD. We’ll see you at the gym!
Here are the lifts of the week:
Monday – Rope climbs and AMRAP
Tuesday – “Fran”
Wednesday – Bike and box jumps
Thursday – 30-min partner WOD!
Friday – HSPU practice and “Death by Burpee”
Saturday – Cleans and AMRAP
Sunday – Open Gym