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Week of 6/22/2020

Nothing major this week except for please make sure to fill out the survey.  Deadline is this Friday 6/26.  This is your opportunity to help shape CFD.  It's kinda like voting... if you don't say anything then you can't complain. ? J/K Have a great rest of your week! Announcements: DEVELOP WITHIN SAVE THE DATE!!! NEW DATE for in-house competition! Develop Within will be held on September 12th! There will be more details to follow.  For now just look for the event on FaceBook and set the date aside in your calendar.  We're very excited to bring this event to

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Week of 6/15/2020

Well we've been saying that we've been working on a lot of things lately so be warned there is a lot in this blog post.  I'll use that as my excuse for posting it so late... ? But first I've got to jump up on a bit of a soap box once again.... "It's hard to soar like an eagle when you surround yourself with turkeys".  This is a phrase that I hear over and over in my head thanks to a former coworker.  Another way to say this is to never underestimate the power of positive or negative talk.  When

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Week of 6/8/2020

Did you know we have a mission statement? Mission Statement: Develop Fitness has the guiding purpose of improving people’s quality of life. We along with any and all of our subsidiaries i.e. CrossFit Develop will continually strive to use the most advance methods and techniques know in order to drive safety and quality of movement.  We will treat the whole client not just physically but also mentally and spiritually.  Where possible we will use a community approach to fitness in order to maintain human commonality and good will toward fellow man mindset.  We will uphold the highest of standards for

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Week of 3/9/2020

Don't forget to sign up for the Air Bike challenge this month if you have not already.  The battle is getting heated and the stakes are high.  After all guys it's not every day you get a chance to beat the "Supreme Leader of the Universe".  If you don't know what I'm talking about make sure to check the leader board.? As far as workouts go our barbell and odd object cycling is starting to really take shape this month.  Don't worry this week will not disappoint.  We will continue to grow more in these areas for this month and next. Have

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Week of 2/24/2020

Have a great week CFD! Announcements: We will be hosting our first ever internal competition on May 9th 2020!!! Set the date aside on your calendar and ask a coach if you have questions. We can't wait! Here are the lifts of the week: Monday – DeadliftTuesday – Bench PressWednesday – C&JThursday – WODFriday – WODSaturday – WODSunday – Open Gym

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Week of 1/13/2020

We've got a lot of really good metabolic conditioning this week guys!  You won't want to miss this week's workouts!  Also Diane to end the week!  I can't wait!!!  Love that workout. Hope you all have a great week! Announcements: None this week. Here are the lifts of the week: Monday – TABATATuesday – WODWednesday – SnatchThursday – MU's n WODFriday – DianeSaturday – WODSunday – Open Gym

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Week of 12/23/2019

Merry Christmas to all of our CrossFit Develop Family! Hope you have a great holiday and enjoy your time with family and friends. Remember the true reason for the season. Stay safe out there and hopefully we can see you at one of the Holiday workouts over the next two weeks. Holiday schedule: 12/23 - Regular Class Schedule12/24 - 9am Holiday WOD, Free Friends and Family, Christmas Social afterwards - Bring a drink or appetizer to share12/25 - Gym Closed All Day12/26 - Gym Closed All Day (There is a rumor of some coaches showing up to do some heavy

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Week of December 10

Hey all!  As we round out this year and hustle and bustle from work to, Christmas party to, kid activities, or whatever else you have going on please make sure to take a little time for yourself.  You've all made great progress this year and by now know that winning most commonly comes in the form of small victories over time.  So keep up with all the great progress you've made and let's finish out 2019 strong! We will be progressing to 5-3-1 with our strength cycle this week as we round it out.  Lets get after it people! Have

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Week of November 4

Last week of the Open!  Let's all make sure to take great care of ourselves this week and finish this open strong.  We will be having a great big party with food, music, and drinks to mark the end of the Open.  Make sure to swing by the Box this Friday.  Even if you're not working out please plan to attend, cheer on your fellow athletes, and enjoy a great night with your fellow members of CFD.  We have the best community here at CFD!!!  Feel free to bring friends and family as well.  Please bring a dish to pass.

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Week of 10/14/2019

Well the 2020 CrossFit Open is off to a great start.  I’m glad to have the first workout behind us!  Shown below is the schedule for the Open in the coming weeks.  The dates labeled ‘Main Event’ is what you are going to want to join if your schedule will allow.  Other dates listed are when you can perform the workouts.  If there are questions please reach out. Don’t forget to enter your scores so we can get team rankings and see how you are doing on the leaderboard. Announcements: Open Schedule: 20.2 -- October 18th – Friday Night Lights - Main Event,

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