(920) 948-0768

Week of 3/28/2021

Well, we kinda knew a double header was coming our way.  21.3 and 21.4 did not disappoint.  We got the grind with gymnastics and the heavy barbell that many of you were asking for.  We loved this workout because it was just enough to stretch a lot of you while still leaving you feeling not beat up.  If the workout got the better of you and your hands tore, please make sure to take care of yourself.  I also feel compelled to take a moment and urge you all to reflect on this years Open.  Look at areas that you

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Week of 3/21/2021

Why do I hear Mike Tyson saying "I broke my back, It's spinal!" after doing 21.2?  Lol!  Really though you all crushed it!  Way to keep moving CFD and show what you are capable of.  We have one more Open workout to go, and the competition is close among the CFD teams.  Make sure to get every point you can for your teams!  Loved seeing the handstand pix!  Lastly, make sure to swing by the gym on Friday night for the last night of The Open.  It's sure to be a celebration to end all as we say goodbye to

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Week of 3/14/2021

The Open is upon us! Week one is here and before we know it... it will all be over.  I wanted to share a quick story with you all.  Something amazing happened during classes on Friday morning.  A member came up to me and said "When did everyone get so good at double-unders!"  My response... "What do you think happens when we make people do them all the time. ?"  Guys!  This is it!  This is why we push you all.  We Really Do Care!  We know what you are capable of and we are working hard to help you

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Week of 3/7/2021

Let me start off with a GIANT THANK YOU!  The new class schedule seems to be working flawlessly and you all are doing the best job to date of using the system.  So THANK YOU to all! The Open starts next week already!  If you have not signed up yet, please do so as soon as time will allow.  We want to make sure to get everyone on a team.  Remember this is a great baseline and community time.  It's not about the competition (even though that can be equally fun?).  Also, we are still looking for team captains.  If

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Week of 2/28/2021

Don't forget!  Starting Monday March 1st, we will have new class times for all but 5am.  Shown below is the new schedule.  Please make sure to arrive on time for classes as there is no longer buffer time.  We need to stay on schedule.  A great way to transition is to find someone who wants to use your equipment.  This way the first class gets it out and the second class puts it away.  Win-win! We also want to touch on Open Gym expectations a bit since we have added availability at 6:15pm - 7:15pm on both Tuesday and Thursday nights. 

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Week of 2/19/2021

Count down to The Open is set at only 3 weeks now CFD!!!  There is information out about how to sign up on the Facebook page.  Please register early so we can draft teams!  This will be an epic event as always!  Questions... reach out. Also, you may have seen Chris sitting in classes with a clipboard.  Don't worry you weren't being judged.  Our coaches were undergoing evaluations!  Just one more way that we are constantly improving and trying to provide the best possible experience for you all!  You know... 1% better every day... kinda sounds familiar... right!? ? Programming

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Week of 2/14/2021

Count down to The Open is set at only 4 weeks now CFD!!!  As I'm sure you've noticed the workouts are getting a little more intense again and we are really concentrating on the skill work to get you an awesome PR when The Open arrives.  Keep making it to the gym and give a little more time for your mobility as we ramp up.  It'll keep you feeling great and moving well all month long. I wanted to take some time this week to acknowledge all the hard work people have been putting in during Barbell classes.  We were

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Week of 2/7/2021

Hang on all, some classic content about to come your way... Monday night during Barbell we started discussing CrossFit, competing, differences in gyms, and methodology.  I feel it was a very good discussion and I thought that the broader audience would benefit from a couple cliff notes of the conversation.  So here we go... let's start this off by posing a question.  Why do we compete?  No really... why on earth would you ever want to enter into a CrossFit competition.  Remember why you started this journey?  I'm fairly confident it was not to stand on top of a CrossFit

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Week of 1/31/2021

As we continue our prep for The Open, this week is sure to not disappoint.  We have some doozie workouts that are sure to leave you feeling it for a few days (can you say Monday? ?  Woof!)!  It's going to be a great week CFD!  Classes have been full, and the PR bell has been ringing a lot lately!  Let's keep digging deep!  Oh!  Last but not least... for those of you who love that heavy barbell... "The Cali Bear" is coming out of hibernation this week!  I can't wait!!!  Even if it's just 5 lbs. more let's add

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Week of 1/24/2021

As we continue our prep for The Open keep your eye out for information about how to sign up.  We also plan to have teams again this year as we have in the past.  With the new format I'm very excited for this year!  There will be options for Rx and Scaled, full on, minimal equipment, and no equipment.  There is no reason everyone cannot participate this year! Speaking of this year... what are we going to do when The Open is over with!?!? Oh don't you worry... ? We've got your plan.  We will be using a bi-monthly focus

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