(920) 948-0768

Week of 12/6/2020

We begin and end the week with a run in the workout this week!  Please make sure to dress appropriately.  Let's try to get outdoors if able.  The weather is still looking favorable for running outside but we of course will have an option to stay indoors if you'd like.  Running is so good for us!  Even if it's not as fun as cycling a heavy barbell.  ? Our goal is to get as much running in as we can despite the winter weather that is inevitably coming.  Let's have fun with the challenge this week! On top of the

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Week of 11/29/2020

Hope you all had a restful Thanksgiving week.  That "Tryptophan" workout was no joke!  Had me feeling it for a few days afterwards.  Hopefully for those of you who brought friends or family they were not walking too funny the next day.  Thank you for everyone who was able to join us.  It was great to get everyone together and sweat it out! With all the extra running around and stress of the holiday season, this is one of the hardest times of the year to stick to your commitments.  Make sure to take the much-needed time for yourself and

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Week of 11/23/2020

For all who went hunting this past weekend we hope you had a successful, safe, and memorable time.  Hopefully the deer was a little easier to drag this year. ?For those who were able to participate in Lift the Weight off Kids... Thank you!!!  The cause is truly a great one and your support is needed.  Hopefully you were able to hit some PR's! This week is going to be difficult as we get all of our strength lifts in early so we can stay on track with our strength cycle and then enjoy the time off for Thanksgiving.  Hopefully

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Week of 11/15/2020

As we start this strength cycle off please make sure to keep your eye on the lifts of the week.  You will be able to get the most benefit by hitting the days every week where we are performing the major lifts.  I look forward to seeing everyone's progress this time.  I can already hear the PR bell ringing!Other than that, there is not much going on this week.  We will be having our holiday challenge like we have done in the years past so keep your eyes out for more information.  Let's make sure to get enough sleep and recovery to

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Week of 11/9/2020

? NOVEMBER 2020 ? Going into November, we hit the rewind button from a couple months back and will finish this year out in a STRONG (see what we did there) way...Wendler-esque strength cycle #2! Now that we all have gone through that entire first cycle, after many athletes had been without strength training for quite some time, we feel like we’ve got our feet underneath us again in the terms of strength training. We will be testing, completing the cycle, de-loading and re-testing our 2RM in all three lifts again; Back Squat, Strict Press, Deadlift. Utilizing those turkey gains as we

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Week of 11/1/2020

Down below I've copied in an article that I ran across written by MDV.  He is the Chief Fitness Officer for NC Fit and in my opinion an all-around cool guy.  In his words he is "All about coaching, hustle, black coffee, and American Traditional tattoos."  This article talks to something I have discussed with several of our members on more than one occasion.  We should be training more and competing less...  "Sometimes I think to myself...how did we get HERE? Not in the greater existential sense of “how did we get here” but more so how did the collective

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Week of 10/25/2020

Halloween week and we have some "Spookie" workouts this week in store for you all! ?  No really... they are not that terrifying but they are sure to leave you feeling dead afterwards.  Then again that's what we love though.  ?  Make sure to join us this Saturday morning at 9am for "Elm Street".  This is going to be a great ending to the week.  I'll let you all decide if it's a trick or a treat.  ?  MUHHAAAA! Ok.  Now that I have that out of my system... I need to put out a friendly reminder to please keep your eye

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Week of 10/18/2020

Wow, the barbells look brand new!  On Saturday we cleaned and de-rusted the barbells.  They were rusty.  We are going to try something new to see if we can save the barbells.  Please don't spray the "normal" cleaning solution on the barbells.  There is a bottle labeled "Barbells Only" next to the barbells, please spray the rag then wipe down the barbell.  We understand the need for cleaning but the barbells were really rusty, we are going to try this new solution for the barbells and see if it helps.  Thank you for following the cleaning protocols!   In case you

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Week of 10/11/2020

Let's talk about something that I commonly see happen about the CF gym.... so, imagine this... you work your tail off for weeks (maybe even months) and then all of the sudden you do it!  You finally master that skill you've been working towards!  Great!  You feel proud.  You feel accomplished.  You think to yourself 'well I finally got that figured out' and 'next time that comes up in a WOD I'll finally be able to get that Rx'.  Maybe it's a muscle up, maybe stringing together your toes to bar, maybe it's that elusive first set of double-unders.  Here

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Week of 10/4/2020

Guys I need to congratulate you all!  The weeks have been hard, the WOD's grueling, and we are asking more and more out of all of you on not just a weekly but a daily basis.  You all have been doing great!  You are doing a great job of stepping into that training zone more and more often.  You are moving slow and with intention of movement.  You are really working, striving, sometimes even clawing ?, your way towards perfection in movement.  You are doing AWESOME!  As winter approaches take some time this week.  When you're lying in bed not

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