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Week of 3/6/2022

Week two of the 2022 CrossFit Open is in the books.  You all did a great job once again!  We'll be posting team scores in our members Facebook page, after the score submission window closes once again, so look forward to those weekly updates.  Beyond that, relax, have fun, and workout.  This is a great time of the CrossFit season! Now let's finish strong CFD.  Last week of the Open... HERE WE GO!!! March/April Olympic Lifting CycleWEEK 2 (3/7)  Snatch Pull + Hang Power Snatch (5x2)Clean Pull + Power Clean (5x2)Push Jerk From Rack (5x2) WEEK 3 (3/14)  Hang Power Snatch +

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Week of 2/27/2022

Week one of the 2022 CrossFit Open is in the books.  You all did a great job.  We'll be posting team scores in our members Facebook page so look forward to those weekly updates.  Beyond that, relax, have fun, and workout.  This is a great time of the CrossFit season!While the CrossFit Open is going on we will continue to work our yearly plan.  So... with that said, welcome to March! We are going to roll right from the OHS into a new strength focus for the next 8 weeks! With this being the first time that we have completed

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Week of 2/20/2022

The Open is Here!  THE OPEN IS HERE!!! If you have not registered for the CrossFit Open yet now is the time.  Please sign up no later than Tuesday 2/22 so we can place everyone on a team. Here's the link if you need it: https://games.crossfit.com/ The Open | CrossFit GamesThe 2022 NOBULL CrossFit Games season kicks off with the CrossFit Open, a three-week international competition where anyone — regardless of fitness level or ability — can compete in the biggest fitness competition in history. Join hundreds of thousands of participants for the Open on February 24. Registration is live.games.crossfit.com With

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Week of 2/13/2022

1.5 weeks to the CrossFit Open.... enough said there. ? We're building CFD!  Right into The Open season!!! Let's go CFD!!!January/February Overhead Squat Cycle Week 7 of 8 (2/14) - Deload Week, 4x3 @ 80%Week 8 of 8 (2/21) - Heavy 3-Rep Announcements: The CrossFit Open This year The CrossFit Open will run February 24th through March 14th .  We will once again be creating teams for The CF Open.  Get signed up now to get placed on your team!https://games.crossfit.com/ The Open | CrossFit GamesThe 2022 NOBULL CrossFit Games season kicks off with the CrossFit Open, a three-week international competition where anyone —

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Week of 2/6/2022

3 weeks to the CrossFit Open.... enough said there. ? The CrossFit Open is right around the corner and this week's programming is leaning into the feeling of the season quite heavily.  Hope you all enjoy!!! Let's go get it CFD!!!January/February Overhead Squat Cycle Week 6 of 8 (2/7) - Working Week,  2x3 @ 95% / 1x3 @ <100%Week 7 of 8 (2/14) - Deload Week, 4x3 @ 80%Week 8 of 8 (2/21) - Heavy 3-Rep Announcements: The CrossFit Open This year The CrossFit Open will run February 24th through March 14th .  We will once again be creating teams for The CF

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Week of 1/30/2022

If you're an avid reader of this blog, you will notice that the last two have come out a bit late.  Well believe it or not, I've got a fairly good reason for that.  You see I've had a topic that I've spent way to may hours thinking about.  I've written, re-written, edited, gone back and forth on, and just plain struggled with how to say it or bring it up just how I want to.   Well without further hesitation I've just decided to cut to the chase as they say. Be kind.  It's that simple.  I'm not sure if it's

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Week of 1/23/2022

5 weeks to the CrossFit Open.... enough said there. ?Congratulations to those members who competed at 3B this weekend.  You all did fantastic!  Make sure to spend some time and reflect on the day's events.  Don't only think about what you could have done better at but also think about what you did well.  Congratulate yourselves and your effort and grow from it.  You all did absolutely awesome and we can't wait to see what you do next! Good luck to Coach Heidi this weekend!  She will be competing down in Texas.  All we can say is... YOU GOT THIS!!!  Have

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Week of 1/16/2022

The CrossFit Open is coming!!!  If you guys have not heard the Open is coming starting February 24th.  Make sure to stay consistant with your attendance and let's start prepping for the Open!   Here we go CFD! January/February Overhead Squat Cycle Week 3 of 8 (1/17) - Working Week, 4x3 @ 90%+Week 4 of 8 (1/24) -  Working Week, 3x6 @ 85%Week 5 of 8 (1/31) - Working Week, 4x3 @ 92%Week 6 of 8 (2/7) - Working Week,  2x3 @ 95% / 1x3 @ <100%Week 7 of 8 (2/14) - Deload Week, 4x3 @ 80%Week 8 of 8 (2/21)

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Week of 1/10/2022

Fairly straight forward week this week.  Looks like just a bunch of fun work to me! ? Have a good one CFD!!!January/February Overhead Squat Cycle Week 2 of 8 (1/10) - Working Week, 2x6 @ 85 / 2x3 @ 90%Week 3 of 8 (1/17) - Working Week, 4x3 @ 90%+Week 4 of 8 (1/24) -  Working Week, 3x6 @ 85%Week 5 of 8 (1/31) - Working Week, 4x3 @ 92%Week 6 of 8 (2/7) - Working Week,  2x3 @ 95% / 1x3 @ <100%Week 7 of 8 (2/14) - Deload Week, 4x3 @ 80%Week 8 of 8 (2/21) - Heavy 3-Rep

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Week of 1/2/2022

Well we finally made it!  The first full week of 2022 is upon us.  We hope you all had a great time off and were able to relax and recharge a bit with family and friends.  As we settle back into the groove let's start the year off with a strength cycle!  Yupp!  That's right.  This week is the start to our new overhead squat strength cycle.  A friendly reminder if you did not read last week's blog post; please use your 1RM percentages for this cycle.  These should show in Wodify if you've been tracking property.  If you don't

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