(920) 948-0768

Week of 10/03/22

Welcome to OCTOBER CFD! Lots to cover in today's blog! 🎃First and foremost, WELCOME COACH ZACK! I was able to sit down with CFD's newest coach and see what he's all about: Heidi: Hey Zack! Welcome to the CFD coaching staff! Tell me a little about your background in coaching. Zack: Thanks a ton. Well I've always done some form of "working out." Whether it was football, or baseball or weighttraining, pick up basketball, anything. But in May of 2016 I found CrossFit at a local box. It was 100% go from there, I got more and more into it

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Week of 09/26/22

Good evening CFD! Lots of really tough workouts this week! Although I was not able to make class on Tuesday, I heard a lot of buzz about FLATLINE! I can't wait to give that one a go. This week will be entering our fourth week of the Olympic lifting and front squat cycle! I am LOVING the opportunity to work on technique with you guys, and seeing lots and lots of improvement in keeping the bar close, and exploding out of the floor. Keep up the great work, I can't wait until max out week! Because we are focusing so

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Week of 09/19/22

good evening CFD! CrossFit Kids is back! Beginning October 4, for ages 8-13. CFK will be offered Tuesdays from 6:30- 7:30 pm, and Open Gym will be offered to members during this time as well. Registration is available on crossfitdevelop.com Keep logging those miles in Wodify Rise through the end of September! Remember that walking counts too, and is a great way to recover after class! We are entering week THREE of our nine week Olympic lifting and front squat cycle, so keep showing up and working for those big lifts. Weekly lift schedule is posted below! GYM REMINDERS &

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Week of 09/12/22

good evening CFD! Exciting things coming our way to CFD in the near future. Fall gear order is coming out soon, so keep your bananas peeled for that! Time to stock up on hoodies and sweatpants 😉 Rumor has it that the return of CrossFit Kids is coming, as well as the potential of another specialty powerlifting class. I will keep you posted! We are entering week two of our nine week olymic lifting and front squat cycle, so keep showing up and working for those big lifts. Weekly lift schedule is posted below! GYM REMINDERS & ANNOUNCEMENTS: SEPTEMBER SCHEDULE

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week of 09/05/22

Happy Sunday everyone! Remember the gym is closed tomorrow for Labor Day. This week was full of front squat PR's, Snatch PR's in Barbell, and even an engagement 😉 Never a dull moment at CFD!  As you will see below, we are entering our OLY cycle, which means we will be hitting a lot of front squats, clean and jerks, and snatches in the next nine weeks' programming.  Being the barbell coach, this makes me SO HAPPY!   ARE YOU REGISTERED FOR DEVELOP WITHIN?  Register before September 7th to get the comp T-shirt!  Comp will take place Saturday, September 24th.  Choose to

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Week of 08/29/22

Happy new week y'all! I have had the opportunity to spend a long weekend with friends in North Carolina, and I'm so excited to get back to CFD because... OLY CYCLE IS COMING!  Lots of Barbell coming our way in September and October, who's ready?! ARE YOU REGISTERED FOR DEVELOP WITHIN?  Register before September 7th to get the comp T-shirt!  Comp will take place Saturday, September 24th.  Choose to compete Rx, Scaled, or Master's (40+).  Develop Within is a perfect opportunity to get your feet wet if you are interested in doing CrossFit competitions.  Not ready or interested in competing? Plan to come

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Week of 08/22/2022

Happy Sunday, athletes! What an exciting week of training! I was able to see some PR's on Friday in the heavy Thruster workout, which is always a fun time! Look for some more opportunities to crush goals and test new benchmarks this week! First things first… be sure to get signed up for CFD's individual competition, DEVELOP WITHIN! Register before September 7th to get the comp T-shirt! Comp will take place Saturday, September 24th. Choose to compete Rx, Scaled, or Master's (40+). Develop Within is a perfect opportunity to get your feet wet if you are interested in doing CrossFit

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Week of 08/15/22

Happy Sunday CFD! There are always so many exciting things happening in August, cramming it all in before the end of summer, before kids go back to school, etc. From the photos I saw on FaceBook, looks like folks had a ton of fun on the CFD camping trip over the weekend! What a stellar community to be a part of, and it is no surprise that the CFD community continues to grow. Be sure to continue to welcome those that are newer to CFD! We all remember that brand new feeling, and the members that were there to make

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Week of 08/08/22

Hey Everyone! August in Wisconsin let us know who was boss this weekend, that's for sure!  I don't know about you, but this past week of programming has me ready for a bit of a deload week, which is what we're about to walk into.  Remember that a deload week does not mean "easy," it is an opportunity to focus on other areas of our fitness outside of heavy lifting.  This week we will see high volume workouts with skills we have been building, including pull-ups, double-unders, wall balls, and handstand push-ups. DEVELOP WITHIN is coming!  Register for CFD's indy

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Week of 08/01/22

AUGUST IS HERE and there is so much to look forward to this month, kicking off with none other than the CrossFit Games in Madison!  Games week begins today, and the competition goes through this Sunday. Be sure to post on the members page if you plan to attend!  It truly is an experience. Can't make it to Madison?  No worries, access the competition coverage here https://crossfit.us12.list-manage.com/track/click?u=408776e8ee20d739d8d3ba3ed&id=2ed383b2ad&e=4479fd7d5c CrossFit GamesThe CrossFit Games are the world’s premier test to find the Fittest on Earthâ„¢. They are world-renowned as a grueling test for the toughest athletes on Earth as well as a thrilling experience

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