(920) 948-0768

Journeys with CrossFit Develop

Click below to meet a few of our members and read their stories.

Show me how CFD has changed peoples' lives!

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

If you do nothing where will you be? If you try CrossFit Develop , how will your life change? Come see what we can do for you!

I want to give it a try!

CrossFit is for Everyone!

Don't let the word CrossFit scare you. You are capable of anything!!!!


What is Fitness?

Fitness, most broadly defined, is the ability to handle the demands of your life.

Learn more!

Week of 6/22/2020

Nothing major this week except for please make sure to fill out the survey.  Deadline is this Friday 6/26.  This is your opportunity to help shape CFD.  It's kinda like voting... if you don't say anything then you can't complain. ? J/K Have a great rest of your week! Announcements: DEVELOP WITHIN SAVE THE DATE!!! NEW DATE for in-house competition! Develop Within will be held on September 12th! There will be more details to follow.  For now just look for the event on FaceBook and set the date aside in your calendar.  We're very excited to bring this event to

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Week of 6/15/2020

Well we've been saying that we've been working on a lot of things lately so be warned there is a lot in this blog post.  I'll use that as my excuse for posting it so late... ? But first I've got to jump up on a bit of a soap box once again.... "It's hard to soar like an eagle when you surround yourself with turkeys".  This is a phrase that I hear over and over in my head thanks to a former coworker.  Another way to say this is to never underestimate the power of positive or negative talk.  When

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Week of 6/8/2020

Did you know we have a mission statement? Mission Statement: Develop Fitness has the guiding purpose of improving people’s quality of life. We along with any and all of our subsidiaries i.e. CrossFit Develop will continually strive to use the most advance methods and techniques know in order to drive safety and quality of movement.  We will treat the whole client not just physically but also mentally and spiritually.  Where possible we will use a community approach to fitness in order to maintain human commonality and good will toward fellow man mindset.  We will uphold the highest of standards for

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Week of 6/2/2020

With the gym reopening we will once again be maintaining a weekly blog.  We're so excited to be back and helping people become the best possible versions of themselves in person! Have a great week CFD! Announcements: Keep your eyes peeled for a new date for our internal comp (coming this fall)!  We are excited for this offering!  It's sure to be a blast!!! Here are the lifts of the week:Monday – FSQTTuesday – WOD and Handstand PracticeWednesday – Doubles and SnatchesThursday – METCONFriday – Push Press and Power CleanSaturday – METCONSunday – Open Gym

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Week of 3/16/2020

With the ever changing virus situation we will remain open for as long as we can.  There is no telling what this situation will bring local small businesses but our commitment and promise to our members will remain unchanged.  We will continue to do everything in our power to promote fitness and quality of life to our members and everyone in our communities.  Now more than ever make sure you are taking care of you bodies because body fitness and health are major players in overall immune system health.  We have doubled down to reduce the risk of contamination while at the

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Week of 3/9/2020

Don't forget to sign up for the Air Bike challenge this month if you have not already.  The battle is getting heated and the stakes are high.  After all guys it's not every day you get a chance to beat the "Supreme Leader of the Universe".  If you don't know what I'm talking about make sure to check the leader board.? As far as workouts go our barbell and odd object cycling is starting to really take shape this month.  Don't worry this week will not disappoint.  We will continue to grow more in these areas for this month and next. Have

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Week of 3/2/2020

 CONGRATULATIONS to our double under challenge winners!  You put in the work and improved your double-unders throughout the month.  You'll reap the benefits of this work for years to come!!! 1st - Alexandria Retzlaff2nd - Ryan Hynek3rd - Kelly Pekrul The top 3 can have a free O2 on us.  Just make sure to tell a coach so they can mark it off. You've seen Kelly when the kettle-bells are out of place, you don't want to see her when the inventory is off. LOL!!! Stay tuned for the March Challenge! (....AIR BIKE....) Have a great week CFD! Announcements: We

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Week of 2/24/2020

Have a great week CFD! Announcements: We will be hosting our first ever internal competition on May 9th 2020!!! Set the date aside on your calendar and ask a coach if you have questions. We can't wait! Here are the lifts of the week: Monday – DeadliftTuesday – Bench PressWednesday – C&JThursday – WODFriday – WODSaturday – WODSunday – Open Gym

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Week of 2/17/2020

This week starts off really strong, will give you a quick breather in the middle, then slap you in the face to cap it all off!  I CANNOT WAIT!!!  This looks like so much fun! ? Don't forget to sign up for Develop Barbell class on Thursday night!  Also, per our policy update if you have an unlimited membership both TSC and Barbell are both included at no additional cost.  Let's pack these classes guys! Alright have a great week CFD! Announcements: We will be hosting our first ever internal competition on May 9th 2020!!! Set the date aside on your

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Week of 2/10/2020

We've got some really awesome Barbell work this week guys as we start to round out this cycle. You won't want to skip any days this week! Don't forget to sign up for Develop Barbell class on Thursday night! Let's go get it CFD! Announcements: We will be hosting our first ever internal competition on May 9th 2020!!! Set the date aside on your calendar and ask a coach if you have questions. We can't wait! Here are the lifts of the week: Monday – DeadliftTuesday – Pressing and JerkingWednesday – HPCThursday – WODFriday – "Love Loss"Saturday – Bench PressSunday

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