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Journeys with CrossFit Develop

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If you do nothing where will you be? If you try CrossFit Develop , how will your life change? Come see what we can do for you!

I want to give it a try!

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Don't let the word CrossFit scare you. You are capable of anything!!!!


What is Fitness?

Fitness, most broadly defined, is the ability to handle the demands of your life.

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Week of 05/30/22

Happy Memorial Day, and CONGRATS to those taking on MURPH! Let's finish out May strong, and welcome the warm weather and summer vacation, just around the corner! Here's what we can expect in the upcoming weeks: First and foremost, we are going to be focused on retesting our Wendler lifts at the end of the month…stay strong, trust the process, and get excited for the gains! We will continue to have two ab finishers throughout the month along with some new benchmarks that will bring great challenges for everyone! The new focuses are going to start with adding in one

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Week of 5/23/22

Happy Monday, everyone!   This week I'd like present a challenge to all who read this blog.  I'd like you to take a moment to think of an athlete at CFD that you really admire.  What is it about this person that sets them apart?  Attitude, work ethic, drive and determination... whatever it is, the challenge is to bring more of whatever that attribute is to your daily life in and out of the gym.  See how making mindful adjustments can impact your day, and those around you.  AND... if you feel so inclined, tell that person what it is you

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Week of 05/16/22

Hello CFD athletes!  Thank you all so much for the warm welcome as I find my footing as Gym Manager.  I appreciate all of the kindness and support!Monday we will be entering the third week of our Wendler's 5/3/1 strength program.  If you're a CFD vet, this isn't the first time you've done this program.  I love love love that NC Fit incorporates this program into the daily work.  The name of the game is slow and CONSISTENT.  We will continue to work at the percentages prescribed and continue to build over the next couple of months, with another 1RM test at the

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Week of 5/8/2022

Hey all this is Chris and I wanted to let all of you know that I am very excited to say that Coach Heidi will be starting to help out with this blog post!  Starting next week, she will be adding to this as she takes on a bigger role at CFD as our Gym Manager.  We are so happy to have he on board!  Thank you Heidi!  You're gonna do great!This week we are starting the actual build of the strength cycle.  Weights will feel light but that's a good thing.  They should!  Remember we will build from here. 

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Week of 5/1/2022

We will host Four-tified this coming Saturday May 7th.  If you don't have plans you should swing by and watch some of the excitement.  We also have a number of CFD athletes competing you can come by and cheer on. As we say goodbye to April and hello to May, Memorial Day is on the horizon.  As such, maybe you’re planning to do the Murph Hero Workout at the end of the month. Maybe you aren’t. Maybe you aren’t even sure what Murph is. Either way, there’s a lesson to be learned over the next four weeks as we build up

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Week of 4/24/2022

Last week of April!  We'll be ending with a bang like always!!!  We have a lot of just good plain solid work this week as we get ready for our next cycle....  STRENGTH!!!But first, let's take a quick at what we've accomplished throughout this cycle... What a month April was! Our main focus was building to the Oly 1-Rep re-tests. The tail end of the Oly Cycle saw some heavy complexes AND some barbell heavy workouts and Benchmarks that highlighted all the Oly Work we have been practicing! The end of the month finished off with some HUGE highlights, the main

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Week of 4/17/2022

1RM week is here!  1RM week is here!!!That's right.  We are at the end of our Olympic weightlifting cycle.  Time to test all the work that you have been putting in.  Like you've heard us say many times now at the Box, we can't pick when and where you PR.  There are far too many factors that play into that like diet, rest, recovery, etc... we can however, provide you with a path to success.  We can help lay the foundation with good programming and mechanics.  We can provide you an awesome atmosphere and a superb support system.  That's exactly what

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Week of 4/10/2022

We are almost at the end of our Olympic weightlifting cycle.  As such, this week is de-load week.  It's just a good solid week of workouts.  Nothing fancy, just an honest week of work.  I for one can't wait!!! We we finally see a glimpse of Spring it's gonna be all about Four-tified!  Keep your eyes peeled for how you can help out and be part of the action.  You're not gonna want to sit on the bench for this one!!! Without further ado, Let's go get it CFD!!! March/April Olympic Lifting Cycle WEEK 7 (4/11)  De-Load WEEK 8 (4/18)  Heavy 1-Rep

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Week of 4/3/2022

I want to first of all say thank you to everyone who participated in the Fit for Kids event!  Together we were able to raise over $700 for this critical work in our community.  Was it a hard workout...?  Yes!  What a great representation of what these kids go through.  A glimpse is all, but hopefully it caused a moment of pause for all that participated.  I know it did for me.  Thank you from the bottom of our heart!Regarding programming, it's a fairly cut and dried week this week all.  Another solid week of work for all!  Oh... if you're

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Week of 3/27/2022

Happy April! Oh boy this year is just flying by!!!!  Coming this weekend is the Fit for Kids event. We will be holding the Rx Annabelle WOD for our daily workout in all classes this week. On Saturday we will host the Community version of the Annabelle WOD starting at 10am. This is a free for all event so please feel free to bring all your family and friends in to CFD and support this critical work in our communities. We are going to be wrapping up our Oly cycle this month as we continue the program and progress through

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