Last week of the Open! Let’s all make sure to take great care of ourselves this week and finish this open strong. We will be having a great big party with food, music, and drinks to mark the end of the Open. Make sure to swing by the Box this Friday. Even if you’re not working out please plan to attend, cheer on your fellow athletes, and enjoy a great night with your fellow members of CFD. We have the best community here at CFD!!! Feel free to bring friends and family as well. Please bring a dish to pass.
Don’t forget to enter your scores so we can get team rankings and see how you all are doing on the leaderboard.
In other news your coaches Tyler and Ally got married this weekend! It was great seeing many of you there. Even better was seeing the love that Tyler and Ally share. Too often in life we get all wrapped up in the every day activities and don’t take the time we should to enjoy the people in our lives that truly matter. We rush around from one task to another, we run kids here and there, we get short with people in our lives when we feel stressed, and we can take them for granted. Hey, I get it. Life is not easy. Weddings are a great reminder of the commitments that we make. Just like CrossFit takes effort if we want to see improvements. Also, just like we have made a commitment to ourselves to live a better life, to exercise, and come to the gym and put in the work. We should be making these commitments in all areas of our lives. Great marriages are not easy. They take effort. They take time. Do it people. It’s just this simple and is one of the best investment you will ever make. So take 5 minutes, reflect on what truly matters in your life, and recommit to it. Be the best version of yourself! I don’t care if you need to put on some positive music before you walk through the door tonight, light some candles, and set the mood. Put the effort in with the people who matter the most in your life and see how much you’ll improve.
I truly thank you Tyler and Ally for a great night out with the love of my life. Your extended family here at CrossFit Develop wishes you all the best in life as you embark on this amazing journey together. You two are going to do great things together!
Ok. Now I digress… Have a great week CFD!!!
Open Schedule:
20.5 —
November 8th – Friday Night Lights – Main Event – Big’ole End of Open Party!!! Starts at 5pm. Please bring a dish to pass! Bring your friends and family!
November 10th – Open Gym Makeup
Here are the lifts of the week:
Monday – WOD
Tuesday – BSQT / FSQT
Wednesday – Partner Workout / Rope Climbs
Thursday – WOD
Friday – Open 20.5 Friday Night Lights
Saturday – Power Snatch
Sunday – Open Gym and 20.5 Make-Up