WOW! What a great weekend! Develop Within was a ton of fun! We got to spend the day cheering on our athletes and watching everyone push themselves in ways that they did not know they could. Lots of people set personal records and grew so much. It was great to see! If you competed please make sure to take a couple minutes to be proud of what you accomplished. No matter how you did, reflect on the day. Congratulate yourself for what you did well and identify areas of improvement. Come back to the gym with a plan for improvement. If you need help coming up with one please reach out to one of your coaches. We love this stuff and are here to help you.
Thank you to everyone who came out and cheered the athletes on. Also, thank you to everyone who helped put the event on. To our volunteers and judges, we could not have done it without you. Thank you!
All of the athletes did great but we need to acknowledge our podium winners. Make sure to give them a congratulation next time you see them at the gym.
- 1st – Josh D.
- 2nd – Jeremy Z.
- 3rd – Alyssa T.
- 1st – Scott G.
- 2nd – Katie G.
- 3rd – Rob G.
Pardon our dust. There is going to be some small construction projects starting around the gym at the end of next week. We do not see a need to change our class schedule at all but as things change there may be a few messes. We’ll do our best to keep it to a minimum but want to give you all a heads up.
Here are the lifts of the week:
- Monday – Deadlift
- Tuesday – C&J
- Wednesday – METCON
- Thursday – OHS
- Friday – Snatch
- Saturday – METCON
- Sunday – Open Gym