It’s always fun and rewarding to see ourselves and our friends get PR’s during one-rep max week! Congratulations on all your hard work, CFD. We had some good conversations at the gym this week — if you didn’t hit a PR on a lift or on a benchmark WOD, it’s truly ok! It doesn’t mean you’re not progressing. Every day you show up and give your best effort is progress. Summer is coming to an end and a lot of us are feeling a bit worn out — vacations, the start of school, kids still home, work picking up, weekends away … it all adds up. Control the controllables. Focus on a few good habits each day (a breakfast high in protein, sleep a solid 7 hours per night, or maybe you take a lunch break walk) … and you will continue to see progress in the gym!
We have a couple more classic benchmark girl WODs this week! Make sure to log your scores in Wodify on these workouts — it’s a great tool to see your personal progress through the weeks, months, years.
Here are the lifts of the week:
Monday – Bench press and METCON
Tuesday – “Amanda”
Wednesday – METCON
Thursday – OHS/Front squat and METCON
Friday – Power clean and “Elizabeth”
Saturday – METCON with partner option
Sunday — Open Gym