Did you know we have a mission statement?
Mission Statement:
Develop Fitness has the guiding purpose of improving people’s quality of life. We along with any and all of our subsidiaries i.e. CrossFit Develop will continually strive to use the most advance methods and techniques know in order to drive safety and quality of movement. We will treat the whole client not just physically but also mentally and spiritually. Where possible we will use a community approach to fitness in order to maintain human commonality and good will toward fellow man mindset. We will uphold the highest of standards for both ourselves and our clients exemplifying virtuosity in everything we do. We will do all the above in order to grow our community reach and spread well-being to the best of our abilities.
You see it’s about the people. That’s who we care about. With all that is going on regarding CrossFit and Greg Glassman (CrossFit CEO) we need you to know that our mission has not changed. We will respond how we always do. We’re going to take some time, reflect, and make what WE FEEL is the best decision for OUR business to keep fulfilling OUR mission statement. As a CrossFit Affilate we pay for permission to use a name that describes a training methodology that produces great results. That’s it. We are not a franchise. CrossFit does not tell us how to run our business or provide any support to us for that matter. We are independently owned, create our own environment to operate in, and control every aspect of our business. Greg Glassman does not speak for us. We are not Greg Glassman.
We have always believed what made CrossFit so amazing was the fact that all walks of life could come together with one common goal; suffer together through workouts while becoming better, healthier human beings. It is not CrossFit that makes CrossFit Develop so amazing, it is you – the members – the community! Regardless of race, religion, sexuality, profession…. we come together, every day, not only to sweat together but to laugh, love and learn from each other. The CFD community is built on mutual respect and support and this will never change.
We stand for community, friendship, inclusiveness, fitness, improving quality of life and health for all! That is the spirit of CrossFit!
It is also worth mentioning that we feel suffering through a workout is one of the best ways to share commonality. The beauty of this is it’s ability to be independent from discrimination. All are welcome. All can suffer together. All will be built up stronger together.
Have a great week.
Keep your eyes peeled for a new date for our internal comp (coming this fall)! We are excited for this offering! It’s sure to be a blast!!!
Here are the lifts of the week:
Monday – METCON – Sandbags yeah!
Tuesday – BSQT and Push Press
Wednesday – Muscle-Up WOD
Thursday – Deadlift and METCON
Friday – Upper Body WOD
Saturday – Cleans
Sunday – Open Gym