Murph… well… that escalated quickly. lol! It was a great day with some awesome accomplishments by many of our members. If you weren’t able to join us, you certainly need to for next year. A big thank you to everyone who made it out. You all did awesome, and it was truly a great day and we’re proud of all of you. As the soreness fades, please always remember what that workout means and what people and families have given for the freedoms we all have. We are ever grateful. Thank you.
This week’s programming looks like a ton of fun to me! Tuesday is sure to be a crowd pleaser, there’s no doubt of that. It looks like something I would have dreamed up back in the day. ?
If you read the blog last week, we had a little challenge to see if any of you knew the first ever WOD performed at CFD. It coincidentally is also a girl WOD. No one guessed it… ? So I guess you’ll need to pay close attention on the 23rd when we celebrate 3 years of changing people’s lives! ? (the picture above is what this placed looked like about 3 years ago) WOW! What a change.
It’s sweet summertime! Let’s GO CFD!!!
9AM Classes
Starting 6/7 we will be once again offering 9am classes on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. We look forward to seeing many of you there as you adjust to your new summer schedules.
PLEASE NOTE: If no one is reserved for class 1 HOUR prior to class start time (that’s by 8am) the class will be canceled. We need you to use the system. Our coaches have busy schedules during the daytime, and this is our attempt to be respectful of their time as well as yours. Thank you for your support and understanding.
Here are the lifts of the week:
- Monday – WOD
- Tuesday – Rope Climb WOD
- Wednesday – Thrusters
- Thursday – RFQ
- Friday – Ring MU Work and WOD
- Saturday – Hang Power Clean
- Sunday – Open Gym