Wow, the barbells look brand new! On Saturday we cleaned and de-rusted the barbells. They were rusty. We are going to try something new to see if we can save the barbells. Please don’t spray the “normal” cleaning solution on the barbells. There is a bottle labeled “Barbells Only” next to the barbells, please spray the rag then wipe down the barbell. We understand the need for cleaning but the barbells were really rusty, we are going to try this new solution for the barbells and see if it helps. Thank you for following the cleaning protocols!
In case you haven’t seen the announcement at the gym, Effective November 1 there will no longer be a 9AM class on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Also, effective November 1 there will no longer be TSC at 8AM on Saturday.
We are still having our normal CrossFit WOD on Saturdays at 9AM.
This is going to be a great week I just know it!!!
Pardon our dust. There are some small construction projects going on around the gym. We do not see a need to change our class schedule at all but as things change there may be a few messes. We’ll do our best to keep it to a minimum but want to give you all a heads up. Thanks for the understanding.
Here are the lifts of the week:
- Monday – Box Jump
- Tuesday – BackSquat
- Wednesday – Muscle Ups and Power Cleans
- Thursday – Metcon
- Friday – Deadlift
- Saturday – Snatching WOD
- Sunday – Open Gym