AUGUST IS HERE and there is so much to look forward to this month, kicking off with none other than the CrossFit Games in Madison! Games week begins today, and the competition goes through this Sunday. Be sure to post on the members page if you plan to attend! It truly is an experience. Can’t make it to Madison? No worries, access the competition coverage here https://crossfit.us12.list-manage.com/track/click?u=408776e8ee20d739d8d3ba3ed&id=2ed383b2ad&e=4479fd7d5c
CrossFit GamesThe CrossFit Games are the world’s premier test to find the Fittest on Earth™. They are world-renowned as a grueling test for the toughest athletes on Earth as well as a thrilling experience for spectators. The 2022 season continues with the fittest from CrossFit Quarterfinals advancing to Semifinals, which start May 20 and go through June 12. Tickets are on sale at Games.CrossFit.comcrossfit.us12.list-manage.com |
Each month, NCFIT lets us know what we can look forward to… here’s the deets for August!
July flew right by! We threw down hard for July’s MYMC, and hopefully we were able to compete with friends, post some big scores, and have a damn good time doing it! We also saw some gymnastics pushing and pulling strength/ skill days throughout the month! A quick note on practice…just because we weren’t necessarily practicing full expressions of MUPS/ HSPU/ HS Walking doesn’t mean we weren’t improving.
There are lots of ways to get better at some of these high skill movements so hopefully we were able to get after some of the strength because it’s going to continue on into August! One of my favorite parts of the month were our brand new Remixed Girl Workouts: Helena, Fancy Nancy, Eliza & Beth, and Cindy-rella. Let’s chat about what’s in store for us in August!
In August, we are going to continue our gymnastics push/pulling work with a slightly different focus. Last month we prepped ourselves to be more comfortable with the higher skills. This month we can actually put some of that prep into action. We will see more traditional EMOM’s with higher skill movements. Each of these higher skill EMOMs will always come equipped with adjustments for athletes that are still building their capacity!
We will also see one day of Oly lifting sprinkled into the weeks to begin to grease the grooves for next month’s Oly cycle! We also will work on building our posterior chain with a weekly “Rump Pump” Finisher focused on glute engagement and development! The last bit of exciting news is we will see one Classic CF Benchmark workout per week along with our retest of Power Plus Amanda and new remix of Punch Out! We have a lot coming at ya in August so let’s get going!
NCMETCON Weekly August Commitments
- (1) Classic Benchmark Workout
- (1) Gymnastics Push or Pull Strength
- (1) “Rump Pump” Finisher
- (1) Olympic Lifting Day
- (1) Optional Partner Workout
NCMETCON August Benchmarks
- Power Plus Amanda
- Haymaker (Remix of Punch Out)
- Aluminum Recycling has arrived at CFD! Please put cans (and cans only) in the blue recycling bin by the front door.
- Be respectful during chalk talk! Whether it is during your class or the following class, chalk talk is a crucial part of CFD classes. Be on time and be mindful of your volume.
- HERO WOD Sunday, August 7th during open gym! Wod is called “1776” We will kick things off at 8 am, so make sure you set your alarm! Remember that this is during open gym and will not be “coached.”
Looking to Compete?
Here are some upcoming Competitions in our area!
August 20: Big Wodowski part 4 (FF or MM) Bark River, Delafield
September 10: B3 (FFF) Redemption, Waukesha
September 10: Summer Grudge (teams MMFF or individual) Machine Lab CrossFit, Portage
October 1: Cooler by the Lake Clash (MMM or FFF) Brew City, Milwaukee
Monday: Bench Press
Tuesday: Snatch
Wednesday: METCON // Barbell
Thursday: STO
Friday: METCON with skill work
Saturday: Barbell // “Fight Gone Bad”
Sunday: OPEN GYM // “1776”
Heidi Kilbourn
Gym Manager //USAW-L1 //CF-L1