JULY IS FLYING BY! Summers in Wisconsin go so fast, and this year is no exception! I hope you all are enjoying the sunshine and all of the outdoor opportunities Wisconsin has to offer.
Finding time to stay consistent with your workouts can be a challenge, so kudos to you for making your health and fitness priority! These last few weeks have brought some very challenging workouts, my glutes are still sore from all of the lunges last Tuesday! This week is no exception. Monday, we have a new “girl” combo benchmark, as well as “Straight 100” on Wednesday (I hope you’re ready for some rowing). Then we continue with our “mock comp” workouts on Friday, and you know I’m excited because we get to LIFT HEAVY! These mock comp wods give athletes an opportunity to hold themselves accountable, and coaches the opportunity to recognize room for growth. Continue to be coachable, and recognize the opportunities to continue to get better!
Weekly July Commitments
(1) Girl Workout Weekly…but with a TWIST!
(1) Gymnastics “Push” Focused Skill/Strength Day
(1) Gymnastics “Pull” Focused Skill/Strength Day
(1) Optional Partner Workout Weekly
July Benchmarks
Straight 100
Cali Bear
4 New Benchmarks
Aluminum Recycling has arrived at CFD! Please put cans (and cans only) in the blue recycling bin by the front door.
Be respectful during chalk talk! Whether it is during your class or the following class, chalk talk is a crucial part of CFD classes. Be on time and be mindful of your volume.
Looking to Compete?
Here are some upcoming Competitions in our area!
July 23: Midwest Monster + Academy Games (MM or FF), St. John’s Northwestern Academy (use code CROSSFIT at checkout for 20% off registration!)
August 20: Big Wodowski part 4 (FF or MM) Bark River, Delafield
September 10: B3 (FFF) Redemption, Waukesha
September 10: Summer Grudge (teams MMFF or individual) Machine Lab CrossFit, Portage
October 1: Cooler by the Lake Clash (MMM or FFF) Brew City, Milwaukee
Monday: “Eliza + Beth”
Tuesday: METCON (with running)
Wednesday: “Straight 100” // Barbell
Thursday: METCON
Friday: “MYMC 22.2 (Parts 1 & 2)”
Saturday: Barbell // Partner Option
Sunday: OPEN GYM
Heidi Kilbourn
Gym Manager //USAW-L1 //CF-L1