First of all, I want to send out a GIANT THANK YOU to all of our amazing Coaches at CFD. Kelly and I were able to take off a whole week for Spring Break and it was just what we needed to relax and reset. Thank you all!
Friendly reminder for everyone to…
1 – This is a holiday week (see schedule below), the gym will be closed all day on Sunday 4/9.
2 – Pull your team together for Four-tified. Get signed up now! You won’t want to miss out on this one!
3 – Get signed up for Tough Mudder. Same as above, all the cool kids are doing it! 😉
Just a good all-around week of training over here at CFD. Let’s go attack this one!
Easter Holiday Schedule
Friday 4/7 – Normal Class Schedule
Saturday 4/8 – Barbell at 8am and Holiday WOD at 9am, free friends and family
Sunday 4/9 – Gym Closed all day, Enjoy your day off CFD
Monday 4/10 – Normal class schedule resumes
This year’s event will be held on May 6th. Make sure to block off your calendar. You’re sure to not want to miss this event!
Registration is open!!! Pull together your team and get signed up now!
Tough Mudder
We will run the Tough Mudder as a CFD team on May 13th. If you want to be on a team, simply bring $90 cash to CFD and let a Coach know. We’ll email you the registration link. This will be an awesome community event and we’re really looking forward to it!
Here are the lifts of the week:
Monday – BSQT, “Thigh Society”
Tuesday – Strict Press
Wednesday – Deadlift
Thursday – Strict CTB Work
Friday – Snatch
Saturday – METCON
Sunday – Gym Closed