(920) 948-0768

Week of 5/30/2021

We continue to go long for two times per week but as we roll into June our shift will gradually turn more into shorter sprints and strength.  Towards the end of the month, we will be building into a 1RM for BSQT, Deadlift, and Strict press.  This is so we will have accurate number to base our strength cycle off of in the month of July.  You read that right.  Heavy weights are just around the corner once again! ? Oh, don't you cardio buffs worry though... we will still have plenty of crowd favorites for you as well.  Little

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Week of 5/23/2021

WOW!  Just WOW!  What a great weekend!  Four-tified was an absolute blast!  We loved hosting all of the amazing athletes.  Hopefully you were able to swing on in and watch some of the competition.  Everything ran smoothly, and we just can't say thank you enough to everyone who helped make this event possible.  We truly do have the best community!  Thank you all!!! That's it.  I'm truly at a loss for the right words to describe how happy I am with the event and how it ran.  I'm gonna say it one more time.... THANK YOU ALL!!! Results of FOUR-TIFIED RX

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Week of 5/16/2021

We continue to go long this week...  There are a number of longer WOD's to get our heartrates high and all I know for sure is, whether or not you enjoy these type of workouts, they are good for us all!   That's it.  Short and sweet this week as we look forward to hosting Four-tified this coming weekend.  Please plan accordingly, the Friday 5:30PM class is cancelled and all classes are cancelled on Saturday 5/22 for Four-tified.  Come on out and cheer on all the athletes! Let's make it a great week CFD!!!! PS - Murph is only 15 days

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Week of 5/9/2021

For those of you who were at the gym on Thursday of this last week you know the special kind of painful pleasure that can come from a long workout.  We have been working on our Olympic weightlifting and bar cycling over the last few weeks.  Now our focus is going to shift to improving our cardio game.  You all can expect a nice long workout (20min +) one to two days per week for the next two months roughly.  This will help build our engines and get us ready for summer.  Coming up this week is a crowd favorite

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Week of 5/2/2021

Lots of our members have been doing or are becoming interested in competitions lately so I thought I'd write a bit about my experiences and how to make sure you are prepared.First of all, we should address the "why" behind competing in CF.  I feel like most everyone would benefit from going to one of these competitions in one way or another.  Be that as a spectator or a competitor.  There is just something about surrounding yourself with likeminded individuals.  Getting out of your comfort zone and being part of all the people pushing their limits.  I highly recommend the

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Week of 4/26/2021

Straight forward week this week.  You will notice that we are taking more of a concerted effort on upping our cardo game.  Also, there will be more and more pushing and pulling as we get ready for Murph.  Programming looks good and the weather must be getting warmer soon!  Fingers crossed! Good luck to all athletes competing at Fesivus this weekend.  Leave it all out on the floor! Let's get it CFD! PS - Murph is only 38 days away... ? Announcements: Four-tified Block off your calendar for May 22nd.  CFD will be hosting its first external competition! You don't

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Week of 4/18/2021

Woah!  If we never did "Run it Back" again it would likely be too soon!  Just kidding, but really last week was a doozie when it comes to the amount of work we did.  We are in a pure training phase and I for one love it.  Workouts are challenging and I can really feel the needle moving as we move through Spring and into Summer.  Please make sure to pay attention to your body and give it the rest and fuel that it deserves.  You ask a lot of it day in and out.  Protect your health because health

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Week of 4/11/2021

Hey all! Last week was a big week with some serious benchmark workouts inside of it.  This week will be similar.  We have several workouts that look simple on the surface but are sure to make you dig deep and get after it.  I for one can't wait!!! Friendly reminder to please keep it quite while chalk talk is going on.  This goes for just socializing or while doing the finisher.  Don't get us wrong, we love that people want to hang around and chat. We just need to make sure that the next class is able to hear the

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Week of 4/4/2021

Hello all!  Well Spring has certainly sprung, and we will continue to turn up the heat as we move into the summer months.  As we move from March to April we will continue to focus on squatting and Olympic weightlifting.  In March the loads were light so we could focus on dialing in the technique.  However, they will start to build as we move through April.  Like spring flowers blooming I can smell some PR's coming! ? One question that came up last week was "are we to use the standards from The Open for movements or should we keep

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Week of 3/28/2021

Well, we kinda knew a double header was coming our way.  21.3 and 21.4 did not disappoint.  We got the grind with gymnastics and the heavy barbell that many of you were asking for.  We loved this workout because it was just enough to stretch a lot of you while still leaving you feeling not beat up.  If the workout got the better of you and your hands tore, please make sure to take care of yourself.  I also feel compelled to take a moment and urge you all to reflect on this years Open.  Look at areas that you

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