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Week of 10/17/2021

Hello All!  Not much to talk about this week.  Just another great week of training!   The only little thing I'd like to note is that the box height will be going down this week for the Chad prep work.  Just stick to the plan and have fun with it. Here's the "CHAD" Extra Credit Plan: Week 3 of 6 (10/18) - 550/300 Step-UpsWeek 4 of 6 (10/25) - 700/400 Step-UpsWeek 5 of 6 (11/1) - 400/200 Step-UpsWeek 6 of 6 (11/8) - CHAD on 11/11 Have a great week CFD! Announcements: NONE Here are the lifts of the week: Monday

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Week of 10/10/2021

Well if you read the blog last week I said that I had A LOT to go over.  Bet you were on the edge of your seat all week... ? lol  Well have no fear.  The wait is over! Do you remeber your first class at CrossFit Develop?  Do you remeber the feelings and the emotions that lead up to actually clicking that free trial buttion or taking that first step through the door?  I mean sure... it's easy to come to class now.  You have your friends, your click, your tribe if you will.  You look forward to coming

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Week of 10/3/2021

Where to start, where to start.  There is just too much to cover in this blog post! Ok.  Let's start here.... we are so very blessed to be welcoming another two amazing people onto our coaching staff at CFD.  That's right!  Not one but two more coaches!  Please help me to welcome long time members Jaymee Harvey Willms and Katie Gardner!  You've worked out with them for years.  You've shared highs and lows and now you get to be guided by these two amazing ladies along your fitness and life journey.  We for one can't wait to see all the

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Week of 9/26/2021

Don't know about you all but I've been loving this going HEAVY!  The gymnastics work in there really spices it up and makes me concentrate on great positioning and pacing.  If you've been having fun with these workouts, then this week won't disappoint either.  It's yet another good one! ? Before I let you go, I want to make sure to mention that Mike is through our on-boarding process so you can look forward to seeing him lead classes in the near future.  We are so happy to have him as a member of our coaching staff.  He is super fun

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Week of 9/20/2021

WOW this weeks programming looks like fun!  We start the week clang'n and bang'n then round it out with some stingy cardio.  I for one can't wait to hit these workouts! Have fun with it CFD!!! Announcements: Develop Within Develop Within will be canceled for this year due to low attendance.  For those of you who did sign up, thank you SO MUCH!  You'll be getting a separate email.  For everyone else, keep your eyes on the lookout for the return (HINT: it will be bigger and better than ever!). ? Here are the lifts of the week: Monday – Power CleansTuesday

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Week of 9/12/2021

Let's keep it simple and to the point this week all.  I'm gonna leave you with only one thought. We've got a lot of conditioning coming our way this week.  So, remember when saying "I'm not good at cardio"... most of your cardiovascular ability come from the grey matter between your ears. Let's go dark CFD. Announcements: Develop Within That's right all!  Our internal competition is back!  This year we will be holding Develop Within on October 2nd.  It will be an individual competition with four divisions.  Male/Female both Scaled and Rx.  Block the date off in your calendars!  You

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Week of 9/5/2021

Not much at all this week.  Please keep your eye on the holiday schedule down below.  Other than that it looks like another great week of programming with some sweet benchmarks tossed in the mix to spice it up a bit.  I can't wait to see how much everyone has grown! Let's go get it CFD! Announcements: Develop Within That's right all!  Our internal competition is back!  This year we will be holding Develop Within on October 2nd.  It will be an individual competition with four divisions.  Male/Female both Scaled and Rx.  Block the date off in your calendars!  You

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Week of August 29, 2021

ONE REP!!!  Well, that's it.  Just like that, 1RM week is here and gone.  It was truly inspiring to see all of you push yourselves and I am in awe of all the PR's that we had this week.  You all truly amaze me.  I know we say it all the time but... I can't wait to see what you do next.  Keep being awesome and congratulations. Well as we put our strength cycle in our rear-view mirror and turn our gaze onward, let me break down what's up next to challenge you all.  After building some overall pure strength in our Wendler

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Week of 8/22/2021

IT'S 1RM WEEK!!!  Nine weeks later we are finally here!  Time to hit those new one rep maxes!  The energy will be high in classes, and you will get to showcase all of the hard work that you have been putting in.  I for one can't wait to see what you all are capable of.  Please remember to listen to your body.  Just because a 1RM is programmed does not mean that today is your day to hit one.  There are many factors in play.  If you have been on vacation, stressed, not sleeping well, or not eating well all

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Week of 8/15/2021

Here we are... finally at the end of our strength cycle.  This week is de-load then next week we'll all push the weight and hopefully hit new 1RM's.  This is when I send out a friendly reminder that de-loading is VERY improtant.  Please even if the weights feel light stick to the program.  Hit your numbers than give the extra effort in the WOD.  You'll get to show off soon enough and hit those heavy weights.  Next week will be here before you know it. Let's get ready CFD!!Here's what's left of our strength cycle:July/Aug Wendler CycleWeek 8 of 9

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