(920) 948-0768

Week of 12/11/22

Well, I'm back!  Coach Chris here once again on the blog.  You can tell because it's fashionably late 😉. I don't have much to say this week besides let's finish this year out strong.  We have a very active end to 2022 and an even more crazy start to 2023.  Please keep your eyes on the announcements below to stay up to date with all that going on. Let's go get it the remainder of this week CFD!!! Announcements: Updated Class Schedule Starting this week, we will have 4:30pm CrossFit class followed by Open Gym from  5:30-6:30pm on Wednesdays.  Also,

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Week of 12/05/22

WELP… here it is. My last blog as CFD Manager. I want to thank you all for an amazing experience and opportunity to get to know you as a coach and as a friend. I am truly sad to have to say farewell to you all this week. Develop Barbell Club is in good hands with Coach Colin, and I look forward to dropping in to his classes in the future. From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU. ❤️ (in the meantime, enjoy this classy photo of me, and I will see you Sunday, December 18th for the Rogue

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Week of 11/28/22

Happy Sunday, CFD! I am totally suffering from the Sunday Scaries after a long holiday weekend at home. Things are getting crazy with holiday season in full swing… Thankfully there are lots of December challenges at CFD to help us all stay on track (and keep our sanity)! December - GOAT Challenge 🐐“Goat” is CrossFit slang for a movement that challenges us. Examples: Double-Unders, Pull-ups, Handstand Push-ups, Rope Climbs, etc. Here is a way to turn your perceived weaknesses into strengths. This challenge is geared towards “practice,” dialing in our mechanics with a controlled heart rate. Meaning, not in the

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Week of 11/21/22

Happy Holdiay Week, CFD!  As usual, CFD will have an adjusted Holiday Schedule.  Monday thru Wednesday will be business as usual, Thursday we will have ONE WORKOUT scheduled at 8 am.  This workout is open to friends and family, please have your guests register with this link: https://crossfitdevelop.wodify.com/OnlineSalesPortal/ReviewPurchase.aspx?OnlineMembershipId=98035&ClassId=127340650&fbclid=IwAR3k22f6VnbTEKBPs1LuwKEH0nQE8c6wZUk2unrtVGEnsuPuJ-8Pykx39S8 Need help staying on track with your nutrition over the holidays?  Join our "Holiday Weight Loss Challenge" We've said it many times: you spend 1 hour at the gym - what do you do in the remaining 23 hours? CrossFit Develop is starting one Wednesday, November 23. The contest will run for 6

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Week of 11/14/22

As some of you may have already heard, the Kilbourn Family is moving.  This means that I will no longer be coaching or managing at CFD after December 4th.  I wanted to let you all know how incredibly grateful I am to have had the opportunity to get to know you, and help build your love for getting stronger, especially in the Olympic Lifts.  It has been an honor, and it is not going to be easy to say good bye.  Hopefully I will always be considered a part of the CrossFit Develop Family! On to happier news... maybe... Air

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Week of 11/07/22

Let me start out by shouting HAPPY (belated) BIRTHDAY to this absolute legend!  To know Kelly is to love her and CFD is so fortunate to have her at the helm!  Happy Birthday, Kelly! Air bike/echo bike challenge is ON!  Hopefully you were able to get registered in Wodify Rise for the in-house challenge of the month.  Make sure you are tracking your progress daily!    MAX OUT Week came and went, and it was SO EXCITING! You all know how much I love lifting heavy, and having the opportunity to see you all find new maxes was extraordinary.  Well done,

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Week of 10/31/22

MAX OUT WEEK IS FINALLY HERE! We have reached the end of our nine-week cycle, and get to test our snatch, clean & jerk, and front squat one rep this week. I have really enjoyed seeing all of the progress made in the Olympic Lift technique!  Remember that CFD offers barbell class twice a week, which is open to EVERYONE!   Here's what NCFIT has to say about the wrap-up of our cycle, and what's in store for next month: Last month we finished up our Oly cycle that culminated in retesting out 1-RM Snatch/ Clean & Jerk, and Front Squat!

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Week of 10/24/22

Good evening CFD! I hope you had an opportunity to enjoy some of the beautify fall weather we had this weekend. I had a blast coaching Erich in his (and my!) first weightlifting competition at Milwaukee Barbell. Definitely something we should get more Develop Barbell athletes involved in! If you haven't heard, Dr. Matt is coming! Please join CFD in welcoming Dr. Matt Paluchniak of evolv PT for a Shoulder Health Workshop at CrossFit Develop. Saturday, November 5th at 10:15 am. $20 per person, reserve your spot in Wodify. Has Chris convinced you to participate in the Rouge 1000# Challenge

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Week of 10/17/22

Happy Sunday, CFD! Lots to cover in today's Blog. First, this week we see the return of "CHAD" prep. Chad is a hero wod honoring Chad Michael Wilkinson, done on Veteran's Day. Read more about him and the workout here: "Chad" Workout, Memorial WOD for Chad Wilkinson | WODwell "Chad" Workout, Memorial WOD for Chad WilkinsonFor Time; 1,000 Box Step-Ups (20 in); Wear a Ruck Pack (45/35 lb)No plans Saturday? A few events are taking place this weekend, in which CFD has athletes participating! There is a weightlifting competition at Milwaukee Barbell, as well as Festivus Games at Redemption Fitness.

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Week of 10/10/22

Happy Sunday CFD! Looking forward to a staring the week with a heavy workout tomorrow, who's with me?? Consistency is the name of the game this month. Make sure you are checking in to your classes, and log your attendance daily on Wodify Rise! With so many activities and events to cram in before the snow flies, it's easy neglect our workouts, CFD coaches have your back and look forward to seeing you in the gym! Remember that Open Gym is offered Tuesdays 6:30 pm as well as Sundays 8 am until 10 am. 🎃CROSSFIT KIDS IS BACK! Tuesdays 6:30-7:30

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