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Fitness, most broadly defined, is the ability to handle the demands of your life.

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Week of 1/10/2022

Fairly straight forward week this week.  Looks like just a bunch of fun work to me! ? Have a good one CFD!!!January/February Overhead Squat Cycle Week 2 of 8 (1/10) - Working Week, 2x6 @ 85 / 2x3 @ 90%Week 3 of 8 (1/17) - Working Week, 4x3 @ 90%+Week 4 of 8 (1/24) -  Working Week, 3x6 @ 85%Week 5 of 8 (1/31) - Working Week, 4x3 @ 92%Week 6 of 8 (2/7) - Working Week,  2x3 @ 95% / 1x3 @ <100%Week 7 of 8 (2/14) - Deload Week, 4x3 @ 80%Week 8 of 8 (2/21) - Heavy 3-Rep

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Week of 1/2/2022

Well we finally made it!  The first full week of 2022 is upon us.  We hope you all had a great time off and were able to relax and recharge a bit with family and friends.  As we settle back into the groove let's start the year off with a strength cycle!  Yupp!  That's right.  This week is the start to our new overhead squat strength cycle.  A friendly reminder if you did not read last week's blog post; please use your 1RM percentages for this cycle.  These should show in Wodify if you've been tracking property.  If you don't

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Week of 12/26/2021

Christmas and New Years!  Here we go!!!  I for one, can't wait to workout with all our friends over the holiday.  Here's to the last few days to December.  CHEERS!!! With December coming to an end and as we transition into the new year, it’s important to take a look back and reflect upon how we met the goals that we set out to accomplish this month. In November and December, we took the brakes off and got after some intense all out EFFORT workouts 2x a week and capped off the year with some of our historic workouts including

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Week of 12/19/2021

Christmas week is upon us!  Please keep your eye on the class schedules shown both on Wodify and below.  If you see a class... we're open!  If not... then enjoy your much deserved rest day.  If you're super ambitious you can do some DB fit to get your sweat on.  ?  This is a great time of the year.  Please use it to reflect, recharge, and restore.  We all are truly blessed.  Thank you CFD!  Keep being awesome!One topic I do want to touch on yet this year... we all get stressed, we all lose our temper, or say things

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Week of 12/12/2021

Not much this week CFD.  All I have to say in regards to the programming is that if you thought last week was a ton of fun... this week will not disappoint either. ?  We have two hero WOD's back to back this week.  Sooooo.... yeah.  That'll be fun! ?  Anyway, keep your eye on next week's blog for the upcoming holiday schedule and have fun with this week.For all of you in the holiday lifestyle challenge, stick to it!  We all know that this time of year can be challenging.  A little work... a little extra effort... a little bit every day...

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Week of 12/5/2021

We're almost their folks!  For those of you in the holiday lifestyle challenge... good luck!  This is an awesome way to stay on track through the holidays.  Make a small commitment and stick to it over the holidays!  You're sure to be pleased with yourself.  Just remember, all of us Coaches are here for you if you need help along the way.Regarding the month's programming... It’s the FINAL COUNTDOWN! ? We have had a fantastic year of fitness and we are so happy you were along for the ride! December carries the torch from the previous month with the same weekly commitments.

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Week of 11/28/2021

Ready or not December is here!  We're wrapping the year up and this programming is hot.   All I have for this week is a friendly reminder.  With all that is going on this holiday season, please remember to take time for yourself.  Get to the gym, take that much needed mental break and remember the true reason for the season.  Let's finish this year out strong CFD! Have a great week all!!! Announcements: None Here are the lifts of the week: Monday – OHSTuesday – "Death Row"Wednesday – STOHThursday – METCONFriday – 1RM SnatchSaturday – BSQTSunday – Open Gym

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Week of 11/21/2021

It's here.  Like it or not... it's here.  The holiday season is upon us.  Please keep your eye out on our holiday schedule shown below and posted at the gym. Enjoy your time and this season with family and friends.  Feels great to be a little closer to normal this year.  Rest, relax, and recover.  You've all earned it!  We're SO HAPPY to have you both on-board. Before I let you go, we are so very blessed to be welcoming another amazing coach onto our coaching staff at CFD! Please help me in welcoming Amanda Harvey!!! Amanda is one of

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Week of 11/14/2021

How's dem calves all!? ? Can't say I didn't call that one... lol  All jokes aside make sure to keep pumping the blood through them.  Light stretching and eat well.  Until next year Chad.  Until next year... We're sticking to our commitments this week for sure.  We have a nice mix is short, long, and skill work.  Along with some heavy barbells tossed in the mix for some fun. Please make sure you are paying attention to your recovery and let's finish this year out strong! Here we go CFD!  Here's to another week! Announcements: NONE Here are the lifts

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Week of 11/7/2021

Cut and dry week all.  The only thing I'm going to highlight is that we have Veterans day on Thursday.  We will be doing "Chad" on that day.  Make sure you are ready!  This is a lot of volume. Thank you Veterans for all you do! Here's the "CHAD" Extra Credit Plan: Week 6 of 6 (11/8) - CHAD on 11/11 ? November is flying by all!  Get into the Box and let's finish this year strong!!! Announcements: NONE Here are the lifts of the week: Monday – "Grace"Tuesday – BSQTWednesday – WODThursday – "Chad"Friday – WODSaturday – "Fight Gone Bad"Sunday – Open Gym

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