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Journeys with CrossFit Develop

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If you do nothing where will you be? If you try CrossFit Develop , how will your life change? Come see what we can do for you!

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Don't let the word CrossFit scare you. You are capable of anything!!!!


What is Fitness?

Fitness, most broadly defined, is the ability to handle the demands of your life.

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Week of 08/08/22

Hey Everyone! August in Wisconsin let us know who was boss this weekend, that's for sure!  I don't know about you, but this past week of programming has me ready for a bit of a deload week, which is what we're about to walk into.  Remember that a deload week does not mean "easy," it is an opportunity to focus on other areas of our fitness outside of heavy lifting.  This week we will see high volume workouts with skills we have been building, including pull-ups, double-unders, wall balls, and handstand push-ups. DEVELOP WITHIN is coming!  Register for CFD's indy

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Week of 08/01/22

AUGUST IS HERE and there is so much to look forward to this month, kicking off with none other than the CrossFit Games in Madison!  Games week begins today, and the competition goes through this Sunday. Be sure to post on the members page if you plan to attend!  It truly is an experience. Can't make it to Madison?  No worries, access the competition coverage here https://crossfit.us12.list-manage.com/track/click?u=408776e8ee20d739d8d3ba3ed&id=2ed383b2ad&e=4479fd7d5c CrossFit GamesThe CrossFit Games are the world’s premier test to find the Fittest on Earth™. They are world-renowned as a grueling test for the toughest athletes on Earth as well as a thrilling experience

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Week of 07/25/22

Coach Colin is official and will be coaching Monday morning classes as well as various other times throughout the week.Get to know Coach Colin! CrossFit Level 1 Trainer USA Powerlifting-CC (Club Coach) My name is Colin and started coaching at CrossFit Develop in July 2022. When I’m not in the box exercising or coaching, I’m working in the fire protection industry or playing club rugby. My journey with CrossFit started back in 2017. Focusing on my career throughout my 20’s, I gained a lot of weight and did not put any effort into my health. My doctor wanted to put

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Week of 07/18/22

JULY IS FLYING BY! Summers in Wisconsin go so fast, and this year is no exception! I hope you all are enjoying the sunshine and all of the outdoor opportunities Wisconsin has to offer. Finding time to stay consistent with your workouts can be a challenge, so kudos to you for making your health and fitness priority! These last few weeks have brought some very challenging workouts, my glutes are still sore from all of the lunges last Tuesday! This week is no exception. Monday, we have a new "girl" combo benchmark, as well as "Straight 100" on Wednesday (I

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Week of 07/11/22

CFD Athletes! You all crushed the first week of the push/pull programming. This week we saw a few opportunities for "training" days where you were able to push your strength threshold as well as incorporate skill building. As a coach, this was very exciting to watch. This week you will notice the word "STIMULUS" on the whiteboard. The intention for this is to keep in mind the intended stimulus of the programming, and adjust (scale) the workout appropriately for yourself so that you are hitting that stimulus every day. Challenge yourself and hold yourself accountable! This is where we find

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Week of 07/04/22

WHEW! Last week was exciting, we got to see a lot of PRs as we closed out our 9 Week Wendler Strength Cycle! If you hit a PR this week, please let one of the coaches know so that we can give you a shout out in next week's blog post! WHAT'S NEXT?! In July we will see some classic named girl workouts but they will have a unique twist on them…maybe that means heavier bars, longer rounds, who knows?! They will be challenging and fun! The other two highlights for this month are our Gymnastics Push and Pull days.

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Week of 06/27/22

Can you believe it's the final week of June? Summers in Wisconsin always go by so fast. Hopefully you're finding time to enjoy the weather and soak up some sunshine. Speaking of sunshine… CFD is very excited to announce the latest addition to our coaching team, Coach Colin. Colin has been a member at CFD for a little over a year, and recently completed his CF-L1. In addition to CrossFit, Colin also has his L1 in Powerlifting. CFD is very excited to welcome Colin on board. WHO'S READY TO MAX OUT?! We've come to our final week in the Wendler

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Week of 06/20/22

HAPPY FATHER'S DAY to all of the CFD dads! Hopefully you were able to spend the day exactly as you liked yesterday! Get ready for DELOAD week at CFD… but make no mistake, deload does not equal easy! We will be introduced to some new movements as well as some high skill gymnastics work in our programming this week. This is our final week of the Wendler 5/3/1 program, next week is MAX OUT WEEK! JUNE STRENGTH CYCLE Week 8 (6/20-6/26) - 1x5@40% - 1x5@50% - 1x5@60% (deload) Week 9 (6/27-7/3) - Heavy 1 Rep Retests Announcements: HAPPY ANNIVERSARY, CFD!

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Week of 06/13/22

It is good to be back! I have been staying in Louisiana for the past week, where I dropped in at CrossFit NOLA. Working out in 100+ temps… I thought I was going to melt into the floor at one point. Interesting to see how the equipment there is completely rusted out from the humidity and salt from human use! Looking forward to getting back to CrossFit Develop, rust free equipment, and mild Wisconsin spring temps. We are entering our FINAL BUILDING WEEK of our Wendler 5/3/1 cycle! This week we will be working very close to our "single" lift

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Week of 06/06/22

Happy Monday Athletes! There have been so many new faces at the gym lately, which is so exciting! We all remember what it was like to be the new face at the gym… make sure you take time to make the new members feel welcome by introducing yourself 🙂 Look for some new and returning challenges in our training program this week, including 18.2 and "Red Light, Green Light." Six weeks down for our 5/3/1 Strength Cycle, so make sure we continue to stick to those percentages and add the necessary weight. TRUST THE PROCESS, I can't wait to see

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