Week of 9/29/2024

What a beautiful week, CFD! Great work pushing yourselves through some physical and mental grinds. Please continue to let the coaches know what you think of our new programming. We are here for you!

This past week, we announced Bring a Friend Week. During the week of October 14-19, our members can bring a friend (or several friends!) to try out our classes for a week. It’s free! Maybe it’s a family member, a spouse, a neighbor, a friend, or an acquaintance who has shown curiosity about CrossFit. It could be someone you think would love our community or our workouts! 

If your friend tries out CFD and then purchases a recurring membership (3 times/week or Unlimited), you will receive $50 off your next membership billing cycle. Yes, you can stack! (For example, if you bring three friends who purchase memberships, you’ll get $150 off. We’ll rollover if needed.) And … your friend will get $50 off their first monthly recurring membership as well. Saving money + helping people live healthy = THE BEST.

Have your friend(s) register/sign up for their free class(es) here: https://tinyurl.com/5c7jpufr

As September comes to a close, here’s a look at our training schedule for the week. We’ll start with a challenging multiple-set 3-round workout on Monday, designed to push our athletes to give it their all. Tuesday’s focus will be on the use of machines, with efforts increasing as calories decrease, culminating in a sprint for the final two rounds. On Wednesday, we’ll have an “Open Type” AMRAP, where athletes aim to maintain a steady, moderate pace throughout. Thursday’s workout will target the hamstrings and midlines with a descending rep scheme involving lunges and toes-to-bar. Friday’s session will focus on an upper body pump followed by fast-paced box jumpovers to build lactic acid in the legs. Finally, on Saturday, we have a partner workout involving moderate to aggressive rowing and quick sets of burpee deadlifts across three rounds.

We will also officially be starting our 9-week strength cycle on Monday, with a focus on deadlifts and back squats. The first three weeks will be about getting comfortable with the weight while building up in volume. Things start to get spicy in the fourth week as the weights increase, but reps drop. By the seventh week, athletes will lift 90%+ of their heavy singles for multiple reps. Week 7 and 8 have a percentage range for athletes who may want and have the ability to go a little heavier. Athletes will base their percentages on the last cycle’s “Heavy Singles.”

Have an awesome week, CFD!

Here are the workouts of the week:

Monday – Back squat (6×2) and “The Price is Right” (wall balls, pull-ups, wall walks)

Tuesday – Strict HSPU work and “Wheel of Fortune” (cardio!)

Wednesday – Snatch (1×2) and “Family Feud” (dumbbell work)

Thursday – Deadlift (6×2) and “Are you smarter than a 5th grader?” (lunges, TTB)

Friday – “Jeopardy” (box jump overs)

Saturday – “Deal or No Deal” (Partner workout!)

Sunday – Open Gym