Week of 9/15/2024

Happy Sunday, CFD! What a beautiful weekend. We hope you have been out enjoying the sunshine with your family and friends! We’re heading into one-rep testing this week on the deadlift and back squat. Deadlift will be on Monday and back squat will be on Wednesday. Last week was deload week — please do not feel pressured to jump into a one-rep max if your body isn’t feeling it. This can be approached as a heavy single instead of a one-rep max. The difference between a heavy single and a one-rep max is that a heavy single is a successful attempt in which the athlete is confident they can perform again after a few minutes rest.

The deadlift can sometimes be a lift people may be hesitant to go heavy on. Form is key. View the deadlift as a push with the legs from the floor rather than a pull with the back. (This is so important!) Doing this will allow you to recruit more of your lower body and be more efficient. In our back squat, remember to create a strong rack position by keeping your hands just outside of shoulder width and pressing up into the bar with your palms. Take a deep breath in a the top of the rep, brace, and then breathe out when coming out of the squat.

You all have been doing so well on our one mile a day challenge! It is awesome to see so many people posting photos of their walks or runs with friends and spouses. Walking is not only good for your body but good for your friendships and relationships too! Good conversation is good for everyone. We have a couple exciting things coming up in October, and one of them will be our October challenge. This one may make you cringe a bit, but we’re doing it CFD! “Sober October.” Give us one month without drinking and watch how it changes your body and mind. More details to follow, stay tuned. 🙂

There’s not a partner workout this week but instead, we have a teams of 3 WOD on Saturday, which I thought was cool! Different = fun. 🙂

Yes the workouts are named after Mexican foods this week and no I don’t know why. Anyone who figures out the “why” wins a handful of Chris Goetz’ gummy bears. (We’ll see if he reads this.)

Have a great week, friends!

Here are the workouts of the week:

Monday – Deadlift (1×1) and “Burrito” (Power cleans and running)

Tuesday – “Taco” (Row, DB work, TTB)

Wednesday – Back squat (1×1) and “Quesadilla” (12-minute AMRAP with push-ups)

Thursday – “Nachos” (Every 4:00 for 6 sets)

Friday – Strict HSPU work and “Enchilada” (DUs, core work and wall walks)

Saturday – “Fajitas” (Teams of 3 workout)

Sunday – Open Gym