I know we say this a lot, but the programming this week is HOT!!! So many awesome workouts and opportunities to work on our weaknesses to make us better, better athletes, better humans!
Who did WZA workout on Friday?? Wow, that was a great workout, challenging but great! I looked at the workout and set a goal for myself, my goal was to get through the 20 Devils Presses… I made it through 15 of them. This is how we should approach every workout, even the recovery workouts we have this week. We should set a goal for ourselves and then do everything we can to obtain that goal. We will be doing another WZA workout this week! Friday will be a fun day! For those that missed last week’s blog post:
For the next 3 weeks we will be performing 1 Wodapollza (WZA) workout a week. What is Wodapollza? It is an online qualifier, kind of like the CrossFit Open. Wodapollza announces a few workouts a week on Wednesday night and we will be doing one of them on Friday at class. What does this mean for you? Nothing… you will continue to come to classes and be awesome!
Announcements: lots of them this week 🙂
Labor Day Schedule:
We will have one class on Monday, September 2 @ 9:00AM
September OSO Challenge
Do you hate the spring collars at CFD? Do you want a free pair of OSO collars? Bring your friends and family in to try CrossFit Develop, when 3 of them join (On-Ramp or a monthly package) You get a pair for FREE! A set of these collars is on the front desk, take a look at what could be YOURS! 🙂
September 1 mile challenge
Did you see the post on FaceBook? In September we will be completing a 1 mile challenge.
The details
Run ?♂️ Walk ?♀️ Crawl ?♂️ 1️⃣ mile a day in September ? . That means EVERY ? day in September!!!
This will test ? your level of commitment. ? Be careful of your commitment if you’re not ready for the task. Almost nothing can stop you from making this happen, ? except yourself ? . If you want in ?♀️comment on Facebook (if not on Facebook let a coach know!) and hold yourself accountable. Find a friend and hold each other accountable ?♂️
? it has to be non-stop – the pace doesn’t matter
? It can be more – just can’t be less
? You can not front load or back load. Each day counts only for itself.
? if you miss a day you are off the team.
? One IG story post or FaceBook post after each mile and tag CrossFit Develop @crossfitdevelop ?
There is not a physical prize for this challenge… The only prize is the feeling of accomplishment! Do this for yourself! Do this to feel great! ?
Disipline = Freedom
Lifts for the Week:
Monday: Back Rack Lunge
Tuesday: Skill – Gymnastics Goat
Wednesday: Snatch
Thursday: Recovery WOD – challenge yourself!
Friday: WZA – week 2
Saturday: Deadlift
Sunday: Open Gym
That is it for this week CFD! Make it a great week!