We’ve reached one-rep max week! This is the final week of our 8-week Olympic lifting cycle — it’s time to retest our snatch and clean and jerk. Maybe you’ll get a PR this week, maybe you won’t! Either way, be proud of the work you’ve put in. If you took away one or two technical improvements on your lifts, you’re already winning!
I asked our Barbell coach, Coach Colin, if he had any words of wisdom for one-rep max week. So here’s your Easter egg, loyal blog readers! Lol. You get an extra tip. Coach Colin said he focuses on setting up perfectly. “It’s the one thing we all can control 100%,” he said. You haven’t lifted anything yet — it’s just you getting into the most optimal position. Forget what you did previously, and focus on what you’re going to do now.
Good luck on your lifts, CFD! You got this. 🙂
We have some amazing workouts this week as well as some fun dedicated skill sessions — I’m excited for this programming! See you at the box. 🙂
Here are the lifts of the week:
Monday – 1RM Snatch and “Isabel” or “Randy”
Tuesday – Front squats and METCON
Wednesday – “Helen”
Thursday – Handstand work and METCON
Friday – 1 RM Clean and jerk and “Grace”
Saturday – METCON with partner option
Sunday — Open Gym