Hello CFD!
This is week 8 and the final week of the squat cycle so we will be deloading this week. Congratulations on all of the PR’s last week!
For the next 3 weeks we will be performing 1 Wodapollza (WZA) workout a week. What is Wodapollza? It is an online qualifier, kind of like the CrossFit Open. Wodapollza announces a few workouts a week on Wednesday night and we will be doing one of them on Friday at class. What does this mean for you? Nothing… you will continue to come to classes and be awesome!
Stay tuned for a new challenge in September for a chance to win free OSO collars!
Lifts for the Week:
Monday: Push Jerk
Tuesday: WOD
Wednesday: Back Squat
Thursday: Recovery WOD
Friday: TBA – WZA Qualifier Workout
Saturday: TSC class with Tyler at 8AM
9AM WOD: Benchmark Workout – Straight 100 (you won’t want to miss this one!)
Sunday: Open Gym