Check out our posts on the CFD Members page to learn all about the movement standards and the awesome prizes for Develop Within. It will be here before you know it. Make sure to sign up today!!! Deadline to register is August 21st! Don’t delay!!!
This week we have it all for programming. It will be another great week and week two of our strength cycle with a 6-4-2 format focusing on squat press and deadlift. Make sure to come in the days you see those movements listed if you wish to push your raw power numbers up! As always make sure to be doing the finishers so you are ready for what is coming up.
Take care CFD and let’s make it a great week!
Deadline to register is August 21st.
Competition held on September 12th!
Here are the lifts of the week:
- Monday – WOD
- Tuesday – BSQT
- Wednesday – METCON
- Thursday – Deadlift
- Friday – Snatch
- Saturday – Strict Press
- Sunday – Open Gym