Hello Everyone!
Happy July! I hope you all had a relaxing, safe, and fun Independence Day weekend. Happy Birthday America!!! I can’t believe it that this year is already over half over with. It won’t be long now until the nights start getting longer and cooler. Make sure to get in your beach days now!
We have some really good metabolic conditioning this week guys! Death Row on Wednesday is sure to be life changing. ? In fact this entire week will be life changing! Can’t wait to see you all at the Box!
Let’s make it a great week CFD!!! Let’s get it!!!
NEW DATE for in-house competition!
Develop Within will be held on September 12th!
There will be more details to follow. For now just look for the event on FaceBook and set the date aside in your calendar. We’re very excited to bring this event to all of you!
Here are the lifts of the week:
- Monday – Deadlift
- Tuesday – METCON
- Wednesday – Death Row
- Thursday – Back Squat
- Friday – WOD
- Saturday – WOD
- Sunday – Open Gym