It’s been such a great week, CFD! Classes have been filled with all of our amazing members, energy is high and we are crushing goals TOGETHER. Thank you for continuing to make this community such a positive, supportive atmosphere for so many — we wouldn’t be where we’re at without every single one of you! Because of the high demand, we’ve officially increased the cap of 5:15 a.m. Wednesday Barbell class to 20 people. Coach Colin laid out some great guidelines in our Facebook members group, which I will paste below. We’re constantly striving to make CFD the best experience for everyone involved, so if you have any feedback, please reach out to Chris or Kelly anytime. 🙂
- BE ON TIME. We only have an hour, and class needs to start on time and we need to wrap up on time. In fact, be a couple minutes early! Be on time doesn’t mean walking in the door at 5:15. Be here early enough to be present for chalk talk.
- LISTEN TO CHALK TALK. I do not have time to re-explain what we are doing for class several times. The movements and class is on Wodify, so read it beforehand. If you don’t understand something, that’s fine, but ask your questions during chalk talk. If there are going to be 20 participants, my time needs to be spent coaching and not re-explaining chalk talk. There will be plenty of time to chat with your buddy during class, but during chalk talk, please focus and pay attention.
- BE WILLING TO SHARE. We have 10 spots in the rig, only so many weights and so many barbells. YOU WILL NEED TO PAIR UP WITH SOMEONE. Having a partner to lift with should never be looked at as a negative thing. So much can be learned by watching others lift. There is enough time to shift between weights, so don’t worry that you’re not lifting the exact same amount as the person you’re lifting with. It also helps you pace properly and use rest by working with someone. Plus, we know how great it feels to hit a lift and get cheered on a little bit. BE A FOUNTAIN, NOT A DRAIN!
Week 4 of our 8-week Olympic lifting cycle …
- Week 4 (7/24-7/30)
- Snatch Day
- Snatch – 1×3 (70%) – 1×2 (75%) – 3×2 (80%)
- Snatch Pulls – 3×3 (90%)
- Clean Day
- Clean – 1×3 (70%) – 1×2 (75%) – 3×2 (80%)
- Clean Pulls – 3×3 (90%)
- Split Jerks – 5×3 (80%)
- Front Squat – 4×4 (RPE 6-7)
- Snatch Day
Here are the lifts of the week:
Monday – Cleans and “Spin Cycle”
Tuesday – Split jerk and METCON
Wednesday – Front squat and METCON
Wednesday Barbell – Bench press
Thursday – TTB practice and METCON
Friday – Snatch and METCON
Saturday – METCON w/34-minute time cap
Saturday Barbell – Jerks
Sunday — Open Gym