Week of 7/21/2024

Thank you to all who came our to our CFD Lake Day this past Saturday! It was such a fun time! A special thank you to Missy, Ken and Marcus for coordinating this amazing day. It was great to see our members’ families come together, have the kids play with each other, meet some of your spouses and enjoy a beautiful Wisconsin summer day. You all are the best!!

We’re entering Week 3 of 6 of our Olympic lifting cycle. We as coaches know and understand these lifts are technical and not easy. Please remember to give yourselves lots of grace, as well as room to grow and understand how to execute these lifts. You won’t get it in a month or even in a year. Some of us who’ve been here for 5 years are still working on snatches and clean and jerks. It all takes time, but that’s the best part — it’s a journey of growth! Keep working hard. We are proud of you, no matter what level you’re at!

Our classic benchmark this week is “Fight Gone Bad.” This is a good one! It includes one of CrossFit’s nine foundational movements that we don’t see too often: the sumo deadlift high pull. Check back in Wodify to see how you approached this WOD the last time we did it, and challenge yourself in a new way this time around. 🙂

Have a great week, CFD!

Here are the workouts of the week:

Monday – Clean and jerk (5×2) and 10 min. AMRAP

Tuesday – METCON (bike and TTB)

Wednesday – Deadlift (5×3) and “Fight Gone Bad”

Thursday – Partner workout! (28 min. AMRAP)

Friday – Snatch (5×2) and METCON

Saturday – Pull-up work and METCON (DUs, row, C2B)

Sunday – Open Gym