You all did awesome with the “Diane” and “Fran” benchmarks last week. Don’t worry it’s not going to stop there. This week we have two more! Earlier in the week we will be bringing back one of our all time favorites”The Cali Bear” and we’ll close out the week with “Isabel”! This is so exciting!!! Now some of you may be thinking ‘I hate snatches’ or ‘well if there’s a day that I’m going to skip it going to be snatch day’. Do not fall for this trap! The snatch is a great performance marker. So no matter what level you are at make it in this Friday! Take good notes on your performance and build from there. Remember, it’s all about making small improvements every day. Also, don’t worry as I’m sure you figured out from last weeks programming… you’re sure to get a great workout no matter what day you choose to come in this week. I’m very excited for yet another week of great fun workouts! Let’s go get it CFD!!!
Cheers! Here’s to another great week!
NEW DATE for in-house competition!
Develop Within will be held on September 12th!
There will be more details to follow. For now just look for the event on FaceBook and set the date aside in your calendar. We’re very excited to bring this event to all of you!
Don’t know if you will like one of the flavors of 1st Phorm? Don’t know if you will like the pre-workout? We still have samples of 1st Phorm on the front desk at CFD. Each sample is $1.00. We currently have, preorkouts, BCAAs, and protein powder to try as samples. Talk to a coach if you are interested in giving anything a try!
Here are the lifts of the week:
- Monday – WOD
- Tuesday – “The Cali Bear”
- Wednesday – METCON
- Thursday – WOD
- Friday – “Isabel”
- Saturday – WOD
- Sunday – Open Gym