Happy 4th of July, CFD! We hope you all have a safe and fun holiday weekend with your family and friends! Enjoy the time together and come back rested and refreshed for a great week of workouts. Please join us at 8 a.m. Tuesday, July 4, for a holiday WOD — as always, friends and family are free. 🙂
Going into July, we have a lot on our plates as we begin our next macro cycle: CAPACITY!
Our first main focus for July is going to be our 8-week Oly cycle. It will begin AND end with a 1RM Snatch + Clean & Jerk. In between, we will work speed under the barbell starting from the high-hang position and gradually working our way down to pulling from the floor. We will also partner these days with clean or snatch pulls to continue to develop strength/awareness of these movements from different positions. To complement this cycle, we will also see the Overhead Squat and the Front Squat alternate once a week.
Our second focus this month revolves around a 9-week gymnastics capacity cycle. Once a week, for the first six weeks, we will see a strength or workout that focuses on one gymnastics movement and getting volume in with that movement. Imagine EMOMS of Kipping HSPU or PU and nothing else. In the final three weeks, we will see interfering movements thrown into these days to see how well we can handle these higher-skill movements under fatigue!
Here are the lifts of the week:
Monday – 1 RM clean and jerk, “Grace”
Tuesday – 8 a.m. 4th of July holiday WOD. Family and friends are free! (No other classes on Tuesday)
Wednesday – OHS/Front squat, METCON
Wednesday Barbell – Snatch
Thursday – 30-minute EMOM WOD with barbell complex
Friday – 1 RM snatch, “Isabel” or “Randy”
Saturday – METCON
Saturday Barbell – Back squat/Bench press
Sunday — Open Gym