So… I’ve had something rumbling around in my head for several weeks now. The issue is I was not sure exactually how to bring it up or talk about it. Well after traveling this last week for work once again, I finally feel ready. You see… I’m… well… different. There really is no other way to say it than that. I’m different. That’s all. I’m just a different type of person. I’m not like most people and quite frankly I’m ok with that. When others go out for drinks, I go and workout. When they watch TV shows on the plane ride, I read a book in an effort to learn a new perspective or way of thinking. When they stay up late watching TV, I say up late working. When they sleep in, I jump out of bed and get my day started. I like to work. It brings me peace. Anyone who knows me well knows how twitchy and irritable I get when there is work to do. I want to get it done! I also like living a healthy lifestyle. It makes me feel good and gives me confidence. Likewise, it allows me to do many things that I love to do. Things that others think are impossible or huge and daunting tasks.
I’m not saying this to brag or somehow elevate myself over others. I’m saying this to speak to my fellow different people. You see I’ve been hearing rumblings from members expressing what I’m quite honestly; well… I’m not quite sure what to call it. This is why it took so long to talk about this. You see, I’m not quite sure how…
Here’s what I’m hearing. Statement like “I’m still a girl” coming out with a female who routinely beats a male with similar loading. Or “I don’t want to give a score. I don’t want to hear what people (or better yet so and so) say’s when I beat them”. Here is my personal favorite… “Oh, well that’s just so and so. They don’t count cuz they always beat me with that type of workout”. I hope you are all reading those statements with a large amount of sarcasm and unrighteous pomp because that’s how they are typically delivered. Whether they are the person doing well or they are the person falling behind, at the end of the day, they are afraid of different. DON’T BE!!! Don’t fall for that trap. Be different. March to the beat of your own drum and embrace the fact that you are. In doing so you will inspire others.
Here is one of my favorite quotes, one that hangs on the wall in our kitchen so that we pass it every day:
– Marianne Williamson –
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
Read that again if you need to. Read it three, four, five times. However, many times you need to so that it sinks in. Be different and do not be ashamed of it. EVER! You will inspire others to be great as well. I cannot tell you how many times someone has asked me about how to live a healthy life. I’m not just talking about people at CFD. I’m talking about people I work with, heck even random people I meet. I inspire them and they in turn inspire me to keep doing my best ever single day. I love how in the quote above Marianne uses the words “as children do”. Watch a goofy outgoing happy child. They walk into a room and all eyes are on them. They don’t shrink but rather whoope it up. Let me tell you when I drop in at another CrossFit gym I’m there. I walk up to everyone and introduce myself. I shake hands and high five. Everyone knows I’m in that room and we all work hard and share in the struggle together. Everyone doing their best. This is what it’s all about, as they say, ‘you do you’. I’m different than others and they are different from me. And that’s ok. Not just ok, in fact it’s great!
Equally as important is to support others when they are different. Just because they are a standout athlete in a certain movement does not make them a freak of nature. In the negative sense that is. ? Use their standout ability to light a fire inside of you. Lift them up. Support them. If you want to get at their level then put in the work. You have greatness within you! Water it, feed it, fuel it, and see it grow!! You need to decide if you go for it or if you take the easy and common route and tear others down. Do not fall for this trap! Don’t be the one who says “Oh, well that’s just so and so. They don’t count cuz they always beat me with that type of workout”. or “I’m just not good at that movement”. That is taking the easy way out and will not allow you to improve. It’s time we get comfortable with being uncomfortable.
CFD. You are different. You are beautiful. Be different and live your best life! Support one another and be powerful beyond measure!
Let’s go get this week CFD!!!
Here’s what’s left of our strength cycle:July/Aug Wendler CycleWeek 4 of 9 (7/19) – 1×5/1×3/1×1+ (@75%-85%-95%)
Week 5 of 9 (7/26) – 3×5 (Increase Training Max) (@65%-75%-85%)
Week 6 of 9 (8/2) – 3×3 (@70%-80%-90%)
Week 7 of 9 (8/9) – 1×5/1×3/1×1+ (@75%-85%-95%)
Week 8 of 9 (8/16) – 3×5 (@40%-50%-60%)
Week 9 of 9 (8/23) – Heavy 1-Rep Retest
Develop Within
That’s right all! Our internal competition is back! This year we will be holding Develop Within on October 2nd. It will be an individual competition with four divisions. Male/Female both Scaled and Rx. Block the date off in your calendars! You won’t want to miss this one!!!
There will be more details to come but for now just set the date aside. We will have a minimum participant requirement for each division in order to make this event happen. We will once again be accepting a cash only entry in order to keep this event as cheap as possible for all of you. No matter what level you are at there will be some way you can participate in this great event. We will be in need of athletes, competitors, and judges. This is a great time to push your limits and understand what you are truly capable of in the comfort of your own gym and with your CFD family.
Here are the lifts of the week:
- Monday – Deadlift
- Tuesday – Strict Press
- Wednesday – Hang Power Clean
- Thursday – Split Jerks and Quality Work
- Friday – BSQT
- Saturday – Partner WOD
- Sunday – Open Gym