We have a benchmark WOD, “Jackie,” coming up this week Wednesday! Jackie is meant to feel light and should be done fast. The intensity should be high. For the loyal blog readers, you get a few tips and tricks taken from WodWell π …
“To achieve a ‘Jackie’ time of 10 minutes or less, the row must be at 85% to 90% of your fastest 1K row pace and the thrusters and pull-up reps need to be either unbroken or completed in a few big sets. If you canβt go unbroken yet, try one of these rep schemes:
Thrusters: 25/15/10 or 13/13/12/12
Pull-Ups: 15/10/5 or 8/8/7/7″
Hope this helps a bit, we can’t wait to see you crush this workout!
I wanted to give a quick reminder to the classes who work out before other classes begin β please remember to clean up your equipment area as soon as the timer beeps at the end of your workout. We want the floor to be clear and ready for the next person coming in. This means emptying the weights off your barbell, put the weights away, clean up any sweat and wipe down your equipment. We know endorphins are high after you finish a WOD, but let’s always remember to be respectful of the next class coming in. Thank you CFD!!
We featured a post on our social media this past week about how someone can take the first step into starting CrossFit. If you have any friends or family members who are on the fence about giving us a try, check out our Facebook and Instagram pages for more details!
Our CFD Lake Day is coming up this Saturday, July 20. We’ll be taking our boats out on Little Cedar Lake and hanging at a sandbar. If you’re interested in joining in but you’re not on social media, talk to a coach for more details.
Have the best week, CFD!
Here are the workouts of the week:
Monday β Snatches and 10-min. AMRAP (Snatches and TTB)
Tuesday β 20-min EMOM
Wednesday β Back squats and “Jackie”
Thursday β 25-min. AMRAP
Friday β Clean and jerks and METCON
Saturday β METCON (wall balls, burpees, sit-ups)
Sunday – Open Gym