What a great week of workouts, CFD! Fran, our final Mid-Year Challenge workout, a Hero WOD on Saturday … it was a lot of sweaty pushes. Remember to continue to allow yourself to recover properly, and hydrate during these hot summer months. If you’re feeling depleted or worn down, consider adding some electrolytes to your routine, such as an LMNT packet. It may be the extra boost you need!
This week’s schedule looks a bit different with the Fourth of July holiday. On July 4, we will be having a Holiday WOD at 9 a.m. The gym will be closed on July 5. Our normal schedule resumes on July 6. Please bring your family and friends to our holiday workout! It’s a great way to introduce them to our CFD community. 🙂
Our CFD Lake Day is also coming up! On Saturday, July 20, we’ll be taking our boats out on Little Cedar and hanging at a sandbar. Stay tuned to CFD Members for more information! If you’re interested in joining in but you’re not on social media, talk to a coach for more details.
Tomorrow we’ll be posting our July Athlete of the Month on our CFD Facebook and Instagram pages … any guesses on who it will be?? If you have any nominations for our Athlete of the Month feature, please let a coach know! We’re always open to your thoughts. 🙂
Have a great week, and enjoy your day off on Friday!
Here are the workouts of the week:
Monday – Rope climbs and METCON
Tuesday – Snatches and METCON
Wednesday – METCON
Thursday – 9 a.m. Holiday workout – friends and family are free!
Friday – Gym is closed, Happy 4th of July!
Saturday – Cleans and METCON
Sunday – Open Gym