Hello all! Happy Monday! It’s gonna be a great week, I can feel it!!!
The survey is now closed. We’ll be compiling the data and sharing results with you all soon. Thank you to those who completed it.
Likewise, thank you to all who swung by the gym on Friday night to help us celebrate our second year in business. As time goes on we just keep getting better. Our plan is to finish this year strong no matter what the rest of 2020 has in store for us. We can’t wait to see how much we can grow by this time next year! Let’s get this everybody!!!
July here we come! When we came back to the gym I promised all of you that we were going to build you back slowly and safely. We’ll I’m happy to say that we are at the end of the building phase and it’s time to smash some PR’s! The rust is knocked off and we’re going to crank it up this month! You can expect to see a few classic benchmarks pop back into the program, specifically: Cali Bear, DT, and Gwen. In addition, we will be adding back in a few classics from May and June that we missed, specifically: Death Row, Isabel, and Fran. Even if you just did those (6) workouts it would be a great month, but we’ve got more! In honor of July 4, we will be hitting the big Hero workout, Hollyman. This is a great test of both strength, conditioning, and overall grit. Surrounding these workouts you will find other amazing workouts will be tough and varied falling in line into couplets (2 movement workouts), triplets (3 movement workouts), going long about 2x per week, and going heavy-ish about 2x-week. This is going to be a good month! Make sure to keep your recovery on point and get into the gym as much as you can. You’re not going to want to miss a day!
Holiday week here we come! Let’s get it CFD!!!
Holiday Week Schedule
- Thursday 7/2 – Regular Class Schedule
- Friday 7/3 – 5am, 6:15am and 9am class ONLY! (NO EVENING CLASS)
- Saturday, 7/4 – HOLIDAY WOD at 9AM (NO TSC CLASS) – This is a friends and family free event. All are welcome!
- Sunday, 7/5 – No Open Gym, GYM CLOSED
- Monday, 7/6 – Regular Class Schedule Resumes
NEW DATE for in-house competition!
Develop Within will be held on September 12th!
There will be more details to follow. For now just look for the event on FaceBook and set the date aside in your calendar. We’re very excited to bring this event to all of you!
Here are the lifts of the week:
- Monday – Push Jerk and DL
- Tuesday – METCON
- Wednesday – Cleans
- Thursday – WOD
- Friday – WOD
- Saturday – “Holleyman” – Holiday WOD! Friends and family free event!
- Sunday – Open Gym