Happy Father’s Day to all of our CFD dads! Thank you for all you do every day for your families! We know it’s not easy to get up early for a workout or come to the gym every day after work, but we’re proud of you for giving yourself that hour. Your family deserves the best version of you, keep up the great work.
How did Cali Bear go for you all on Monday? What a great push. Maybe you went up a few pounds this time around, or maybe you stayed at the same weight but your form and technique improved. Or, maybe you simply showed up and did a WOD that is challenging for you. It was awesome to see so many people come together and push through a heavy workout.
Coach Kelly posted a few reminders to the CFD Members group this week, but for those of you who aren’t on social media, here’s a summary (said in the kindest, sweetest Kelly voice possible). 🙂
** Please make sure you tell a coach if you take 1st Phorm products, or mark them out on the sheet. Our inventory has been short the past few months.
** Only coaches are allowed behind the front desk — if you need something, talk to your coach. The pens & scissors cup is now placed on the front desk for anyone to use.
** Please make sure you are honest with your reps and score. We understand that modifying reps is a way to modify the workout, but then it’s not RX. I only say this because we all care and we want you to get the most out of your workout.
If you have any questions, please reach out to a coach anytime. We are here to help, and we truly care about each and every one of you!
Let’s get right to it … we have some great programming this week, and Tuesday looks like a doozy of a workout! Be mentally and physically ready for this one, and have a plan going in. It’s high volume, so don’t be afraid to modify it into manageable chunks. Remember, you don’t have to kill yourself in a workout in order to get fit. 🙂
Have the best week, CFD!
Here are the workouts of the week:
Monday – Push jerk and METCON (Grab your favorite bike) 😉
Tuesday – Cleans and METCON
Wednesday – 16-min AMRAP
Thursday – 25-min recovery AMRAP
Friday – Mid-year Challenge workout 24.2 “The Summit” (pull-ups and deadlifts)
Saturday – METCON
Sunday – Open Gym