Well we’ve been saying that we’ve been working on a lot of things lately so be warned there is a lot in this blog post. I’ll use that as my excuse for posting it so late… ?
But first I’ve got to jump up on a bit of a soap box once again….
“It’s hard to soar like an eagle when you surround yourself with turkeys”. This is a phrase that I hear over and over in my head thanks to a former coworker. Another way to say this is to never underestimate the power of positive or negative talk. When you surround yourself with someone who has a negative opinion it can start to wear on you. You hear the same thing over and over and then next thing you know you start to believe it. Even worse is when you don’t create an opinion on your own but rather adapt the opinion of another. It’s easy to just go with the flow. It’s easy to do what your family or friends are doing and to have the same opinions, but if you truly want to grow you need to turn inward from time to time. Evaluate what you are doing and if it’s working then stick to it. Likewise, surround yourself with people who have similar goals. Who push you to be the best version of yourself. Do not surround yourself with negative people and opinions. Lead a positive life.
Where is this all coming from you ask… we are making a lot of changes around the gym. Our goal is to do what is best for each and every one of you. We listen more that you know but need you to talk to us so we can hear. Also, please be patient with us when you do not see your feedback implemented next day. Often times what looks like a simple change on the surface either has a bigger reason for the way it is or can in fact be very difficult to implement. You can be either a positive force or a negative one. Giving change a fair chance, looking for results in yourself, and trusting that we are doing all that we can to deliver on our promise is healthy. Talking negative, spreading negative opinions and comments, and not giving changes a fair chance because they are uncomfortable and new is not positive or healthy. I urge each and every one of you to be better than that in every aspect of your lives. Let’s keep being positive, support each other, and become the best possible versions of ourselves that we can be.
Thanks for being awesome CFD!
Have a great rest of your week!
Tactical Strength and Conditioning and Develop Barbell
Don’t forget that we still offer TSC and Barbell classes open to all that want to participate.
What is it? Strength and conditioning classes that are specifically designed to prepare you for challenging real world situations.
How do you participate? Classes are every Saturday morning from 8-9. These classes are included with your unlimited membership. If you have a 2x, 3x, or punch card you can either pay $5 per class or purchase a buy 3 get on free card.
– Develop Barbell
What is it? Classes specifically tailored to improve your Olympic weightlifting technique. We work the snatch and the clean and jerk at your level.
How do you participate? Classes are every Thursday evening from 6:15-7:15. These classes are included with your unlimited membership. If you have a 2x, 3x, or punch card you can either pay $5 per class or purchase a buy 3 get one free card.NOTE: Buy 3 get one free cards can be used for both classes. They are not specific to one.
NEW DATE for in-house competition!
Develop Within will be held on September 12th!
There will be more details to follow. For now just look for the event on FaceBook and set the date aside in your calendar. We’re very excited to bring this event to all of you!
WOD Timing
We will be making a change in the coming days to have the WOD’s start showing up at 7PM on the night before. They used to be released at 11PM and we feel the slight shift will help the morning folks out. Please give us any feedback and remember not to cherry pick. If it looks terrible, it more than likely will make you better! ?
Survey Time
We recently made a CFD Members post showing how you can leave feedback through the app or via the front desk kiosk. We are now taking this one step further by sending out a survey to all current members. Please take the time to fill this out. Our goal is to make CFD the best possible experience for all of you. Help us to help you! Thanks and look for it in the coming days!
Well, life seems to be getting back to some form of normal and we no longer have the need for CFHome workouts as all of our members have returned to the gym. Also, as we’ve said before the DB programming is a great program and we really want you all to be able to take advantage of it. So we have made the decision that we will continue to offer the DB programming for no additional charge to all CFD members with a reoccurring membership. The new name for this program will be DBFit! Please use this on your ‘can’t fit the gym in’, ‘traveling for work’, ‘on vacation’, ‘need to get a quick sweat on’, or any other kind of days you see fit. It’s not a replacement for coming to CFD in person, yes you still need coaching not to mention we love seeing you smiling faces, but rather a supplement to your regular training that we would like to continue to offer to all of you. Our goal/mission is to help people live better lives. This is a great tool to do just that so our members can keep striving towards their physical health goals even on days when they cannot make it to the gym.
Here are the lifts of the week:
Monday – FSQT
Tuesday – METCON
Wednesday – Strict Press
Thursday – Deadlift
Friday – Snatch
Saturday – WOD
Sunday – Open Gym