Happy Monday, everyone!
This week I’d like present a challenge to all who read this blog. I’d like you to take a moment to think of an athlete at CFD that you really admire. What is it about this person that sets them apart? Attitude, work ethic, drive and determination… whatever it is, the challenge is to bring more of whatever that attribute is to your daily life in and out of the gym. See how making mindful adjustments can impact your day, and those around you. AND… if you feel so inclined, tell that person what it is you admire most about them! Kindness can go a long way.
And on that note, LET’S GET JACKED!
We are entering the fourth week of our strength cycle, which means for each of the lifts we are focusing on (Deadlift, BSQT, and Bench) we will be hitting high percentages at low reps. Remember the name of the game with the 5/3/1 program is CONSISTENCY!
May/June Strength Cycle
Week 4 (5/23-5/29) – 1×5 @75% – 1×3 @85% – 1×1+ @95%
Week 5 (5/30-6/5) – 1×5 @65% – 75% – 85% (Increase Training Max)
Week 6 (6/6-6/12) – 1×3 @70% – 80% – 90% (Add 5-10lbs)
Week 7 (6/13-6/19) – 1×5 @75% – 1×3 @85% – 1×1+ @95%
Week 8 (6/20-6/26) – 1×5 @40% – 1×5 @50% – 1×5 @60%
Week 9 (6/27-7/3) – Heavy 1-Rep Retests
Clean eating has never been easier! CFD members now have access to a freezer full of assorted meals, prepared fresh with whole, real ingredients.
THE WAIT IS OVER! One week until we tackle this Hero Wod. Keep using the Murph Prep programming throughout this week to prepare for our Memorial Day tribute to those who gave all. One thing to keep in mind as we approach Monday: we must remember our WHY. The reason gyms all over the country preform this workout on Memorial Day is so much bigger than an Rx or a time on the board. Mental preparation is just as important as physical preparation for Murph.
Murph is scheduled for 8 am on Monday, May 30th.
Please note the gym will be CLOSED on Sunday, May 29th.
Here are the lifts of the week:
Monday – Bench Press // Murph Prep
Tuesday – BSQT
Wednesday – METCON // Rope Climbs // Barbell
Thursday – Deadlift // “Christine”
Friday – OHS // “Cool Hand Luke”
Saturday – Barbell // Partner METCON
Sunday – CLOSED