We saw some definite Murph prep in our programming this past week with high-volume pull-ups and push-ups. Be sure to allow your shoulders and hands to properly recover before getting after it this coming week with some more grind-style workouts. Murph is just one week away! Invite your family and friends to join us — they can sign up for free using this link: https://crossfitdevelop.wodify.com/OnlineSalesPortal/ReviewPurchase.aspx?OnlineMembershipId=98035&ClassId=148649562
The more people we have coming together for this classic Memorial Day workout, the better! It’s always a great way to kick off our summer.
This week’s programming looks like a whole lot of fun! We see “Kelly” return as well as a partner WOD and a fun hang squat clean workout. We’ll have a deadlift strength section on Wednesday — there is no linear progression behind these deadlifts, but we will continue to get stronger by varying our strength movements!
We’re seeing new faces in our classes every day at CFD, thank you for making everyone feel so welcome into our community! We all remember how hard it was to walk into a new gym for the first time, let’s continue to make that transition easier than they ever expected.
Enjoy the beautiful weather, CFD!
Here are the lifts of the week:
Monday – “Kelly”
Tuesday – Pull-up work and METCON
Wednesday – Deadlifts and sprint-style 8-min AMRAP
Thursday – Partner workout!
Friday – Hang cleans and METCON (Hang squat cleans and TTB)
Saturday – METCON
Sunday – Open Gym